Bexley North public school's library adventures

A celebration of awesome books through ​Book Trailers & Reviews

This site is a place for Bexley North Public School (BNPS) to celebrate reading, through the mediums of Book Trailers & Reviews.

Book Trailers are creative and engaging ways to promote books. They are used by book publishing companies to market new releases, in exactly the same way as movie trailers have been used for decades. Book Trailers can also be created by students, allowing them to promote a book they have read and loved, demonstrating their understanding of the text and ​showing their own creative flair.

These trailers can be created using various online tools or apps and contain many different elements. At their simplest, they are a cohesive combination of text, images and music presented in a video/slideshow format. However, they can also include voice-overs, animation, live video or the student's own artwork.

The book reviews shared here are short responses to books written by BNPS students or teachers.

We hope this site is interesting and engaging and most importantly, encourages you to pick up a book!