Bird Olympics

The Bird Olympics shares our love and appreciation of bird life.  Join in these fun challenges -  identify birds, mimic their calls, and create art and writing about birds. 

Welcome to the Bird Olympics! 

Georges River Environmental Education Centre in collaboration with Campbelltown Council present the Bird Olympics. 

We hope that you will have fun joining in these challenges and learn more about birds, their habitat and behaviour.  Many of our birds like our parrots, ravens and magpies are highly intelligent and communicative. Birds need champions to protect their habitat and tree hollows. Enjoy getting to know the birds that live near you and learn about projects to protect our birds like Glossies in the Mist.

Michael Ellison, Campbelltown council Bushcare Officer, gives some tips in Episode 1 - Basin Birdwatching for Beginners.

There are a range of excellent bird guides to help you identify the birds you see. Check out A photo guide to birds from Western Sydney by Mark Fuller. 

The Australian Bird Guide, published by CSIRO. 

Here are the four challenge events:

Powerful owls are our largest owl species. They are vulnerable in NSW. They need large tree hollows to nest and raise their chicks.

Rainbow lorrikeets are highly social animals. This one is looking for nectar. They need tree hollows for homes. 

Galahs beside their tree hollow.
Photo by Taronga Conservation Society. 

Greater egrets live in wetlands. They  wade through shallow water and fish for small aquatic animals.