Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation

Course Description:

Students will learn about the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle and recognise the need to be responsible and informed decision-makers.

This course enables students to further develop their understanding of and competence in a range of sport and recreational pursuits. They are encouraged to establish a lifelong commitment to being physically active and to achieving movement potential.

Through the course students will develop:

· knowledge and understanding of the factors that influence health and participation in physical activity

· knowledge and understanding of the principles that impact on quality of performance

· an ability to analyse and implement strategies to promote health, activity and enhanced performance

a capacity to influence the participation and performance of self and others.



Careers associated with Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation:

Sports Coach, Recreation Officer, Lifesaver/Pool Attendant, Fitness Centre Operator, Fitness Consultant, Fitness Instructor, as well as providing valuable life skills and recreational interests.