Barrack heights Public School home learning hub

barrack heights public school flexible learning space

At Barrack Heights Public School we are committed to providing flexible learning options that include online platforms for our students. We will continue to ensure that all learning can continue and be accessible from both home and school environments. This space will provide students, parents, carers and the community with support to access all learning that is occurring both at home and at school.

HElpful TIPS

Flexible Learning is new for Barrack Heights Public School and our community. We are continuing to navigate these new waters together and are here to answer any questions. Please use the links below if you require assistance.

Some helpful tips for working in a flexible environment:

  • Staff are available during school hours - 8:30am to 3:30pm. Times outside these are set for setting and preparing learning opportunities for students as well as staff personal time. Staff will endeavour to get back to all questions and provide feedback to students during these school hours. Please be patient as we work our way through this new environment.

  • Students are expected to be working in an environment similar to their classroom. This means using lead pencil if they do so in class, an environment free from distraction (where possible), maintaining neat and orderly book work as well as editing their work before submitting it for teachers to provide feedback. These are the practices we expect at school and should also be what we are encouraging at home.

  • Vary the learning experiences for your children. It is not always about logging on to Google classroom, there are a number of other activities you can do to stimulate their brain and have fun at the same time. Have a look at some of the ideas in your child's Stage area. This can be found in the top left hand corner of this welcome page - the three horizontal lines next to the Barrack Heights school logo.

HElpful links