Pupil Participation

Pupil Participation at PPS

Pupil Team Groups

Our pupil team groups meet monthly and are made up of learners from P1-P7. The focuses link in with our school development priorities. Learners can be a part of "Techy Tribe", "Eco Warriors", "Rights Knights" or "Diversity Champions".

Pupil Council

Pupil Council members are made up of class representatives from P3-7. They meet monthly with Mrs Morgan to share feedback and discuss whole school issues.

Junior Road Safety Officers

Our JRSO representatives are from Primary 6. They meet regularly to develop ways of raising the profile of keeping our whole school community safe when travelling to and from school.

House Captains

At Pencaitland Primary we have four houses: Esk, Almond, Forth and Tyne. Each house has two Primary 7 House Captains who are chosen by our learners at the start of session. Our House Captains work with the rest of the Primary 7 team to organise and lead exciting whole house school events.

Pupil groups are supported by staff and we would welcome any parents or community members who have an interest in any of our groups to let us know so they can join in our work.