
Message from our Headteacher

It's a pleasure to welcome you to our website.  We hope these pages will help to give you a flavour of some of the things that take place in school and answer some of the questions you may have.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have anything else you would like to ask.

I share an update each week of things going on in school.  Please click on the image below if you would like to have a look at what we've been working on.                                                                                                                                                                                   Helen Gardyne 

Mrs Gardyne's Weekly Updates

Haddington Primary School is a non-denominational school set in Haddington, the county town of East Lothian. We have 29 classes and a 40/40 nursery.  

The school is based on two sites: The Infant Campus and Upper Campus.  The infant campus is a joint campus with St Mary’s Primary School.  We share various facilities including a dinner hall, PE hall, movement and dance base and the playground.  

The Upper Campus is adjacent to the Infant Campus.  The two campuses have a path known as the Butts that split them.  The Upper Campus is an open plan building.  It also has a large PE hall which is used as the dinner hall.  The upper campus has a large playground and an Astroturf  pitch. 

There is an afterschool club and breakfast club for Primary 1-7 that operates from the infant campus dinner hall.  This is run independently by Spring Oscars. Please click here for more information.

Children usually transfer to Knox Academy for S1,  

School Contact Details




01620 822177

01620 823271

Infant Campus (Nursery to Primary 3) 

Tynebank Road


EH41 4DN 

Upper Campus (Primary 4 to Primary 7)

Neilson Park Road


EH41 3DT