Our School Vision, Values and Aims 

Our School Vision, Values and Aims 

Our vision at Cockenzie Primary School is for every learner to come together to learn, play and work hard which in turn will help them succeed in life. 

We encourage a culture of high expectations through a positive, cooperative ethos where every learner can learn and play together in a happy, safe environment. To help us achieve our vision, we enable our learners to learn through our school values of: 

Curious- ask questions, solve problems, love to learn 

Positive- has self belief, shows resilience, is kind and helpful 

Successful- always tries hard, wants to improve, achieves success 

Respectful- includes everyone, respects others’ feelings and property, is polite and shows good manners 

We encourage our learners to be curious, positive and value respect whilst achieving success across all aspects of personal and school life. 

Our School Aims 

We aim that our learners: 

❏ are curious and have a love of learning 

❏ have positive relationships, showing respect for all 

❏ are resilient and have self belief in order to achieve success in an ever changing world 

❏ are aware of their rights and responsibilities as a global citizen 

❏ are active, happy and healthy