Session 2019-20

Session 2020-21

How Maitreya Education helped you?

"Yes it helped me. Dedication of teachers towards students really moved me. Clearing doubts of students is always the priority of this institute. And every concept was explained unless every individual student get it. Student to teacher ratio made teacher-student interaction very easy..  "

                -HARSH BANSAL

"Test which i had given in maitreya were very helpful."

                          -ABHINAV AGRAWAL

"The faculty of Maitreya Education is very supportive. You can even ask your doubts at midnight. "

                                        -DIVYANSHU VERMA

"mE(Maitreya) encourage me to do my best and increased my final score by conducting regular mock test a big thanks to my dear sir and mam"

                                -ANANT SARASWAT

" In every aspect the teachers helped us.

The notes and practice material is up to the mark. I always studied from coaching material, the language and diagrams are easy to understand.

They trained us for how to write in the exam well, what are the key points to write in answer.

They trained us to mentally cope up with the pressure of examination hall.

The lessons taught by them were really awesome.

The test series is the most important, it actually helps to understand where we are lacking. "

                               -ANUJ  RUHELA

"They provide great environment of study and give their best for us."

                                                     -RAVI AGRAWAL

"Very supportive teachers👍👍👍 "



"Provided Quality Teaching.

Advanced and Efficient Methodology. "

                      -VIPIN CHAUHAN

"It helped me for understanding the topics."

                           -LOKENDRA SINGH

Session 2020-21

" In multiple ways. I joined Maitreya education in the middle of 11th class and eventually started having good interest in physics and chemistry. Even though physics can be exorbitant sometimes, but it never fails to surprise you. Chemistry was my favourite subject as it was interesting and i was scoring good. Teaching methods of Atul sir and Kirti mam have always shown great results.It wasn't always about studying but sometimes in order to keep our mind concentrated they crack a joke or tell us how to keep our daily schedule in the best way possible. I am really glad that they helped me in building my foundation of such fascinating subjects." 

             -PUSHKAR SINGH    

1. Opportunities don't happen, you create them. The best opportunity you can have is Maitreya Education.  

2.This is the institute from where I have completed my Intermediate. I think it is the best education centre as the teachers are very supportive and encouraging.

3. The classes are very smooth,proper doubt classes are being conducted,test series are held, many times  revision is done.

4. If you want to score good marks just follow the teachers what they are teaching and revise once. Just 1hour daily practice can help you a lot. 

5. Kirti mam, is the best chemistry teacher I have ever known. She is very dedicating and hard working.

6. Maitreya Education is the right place for a student to have a best knowledge and achieving good marks in their academic.


" Teachers in MAITREYA EDUCATION are highly experienced, they solve all the doubts of every student by giving practical examples. Students are free to ask their doubts on call itself. Test series are conducted regularly in the class. We have been provided with all the extra questions. That's the reason why I got 94.60% in my 12th board exams.I have scored 94/100 in chemistry and 95/100 in physics."  

                -RIYA AGRAWAL    

" According to me, Maitreya Education is the centre of your success. It has the best faculty with great mentorship who automatically leads you to the path of success. The notes are of best content. The assignment provided really helped me a lot to sharp my concepts and the test which are conducted regularly are the best way to check upon your skills and improve them." -KHUSHI AGRAWAL

" Maitreya education really helped me with my base of subjects. The teachers were physically active and provided their focus on each and every child. They strengthen my base by regularly giving sheets, notes and question banks, it really helped me to understand the roots of the concept taught there. It is a cost efficient coaching with great faculties."


" We were given 20-30 questions daily for practice that really boosted my confidence in a subject. The daily assignments really helped me in speeding up my question solving ability.

Even the teachers were a big support. Every problem i had was entertained by them at every time. This all contributed to my score of 95.8 percentage in my 12th board examimations."

                -GUN AGRAWAL   

" Maitreya Education came to me as a boon in my life. Without studying at maitreya education i would not been able to get such marks. All the credits goes to Kirti Ma'am and Atul Sir."


" I was too weak with my basics...Teachers had helped me a lot in clearing my doubts well and in building my concepts...This helped me in scoring well in my boards."


Session 2021-22

"In the beginning, there was an ocean of options in front of me and every other relative suggested me to select some or the other coaching  So, I started researching all the coachings. And I ended up taking my admission in MAITREYA EDUCATION, After that, I started questioning myself "will I score good from this institution?” and it proved me right. Teachers are familier and supportive too. They focuses on each and every student for their academics and development. And I was luckily one among them, who got the correct path to walk upon and develop. My decision to choose Maitreya education as my coaching proved me right and I am proud of it."

    -Ritin Thakurail 

" Something cannot be expressed through words and it is the same thing. Just they helped a tiny plant to become a big tree."


" They taught each and every point in very detail and in the simplest form that we can get it and simultaneously remember it. They provide PQSs and extra questions to practice which was very helpful in understanding particular chapter more efficiently. They were very helpful in each and every stage of our study. They were always ready to solve our problems and clear doubts."


" Maitreya education really helped me with my base of subjects. Atul sir for physics and kirti ma'am for chemistry both are the best teachers


" Maitreya education has always supported me and always worked hard with me whenever i was at my low they supported me and made me believe what i am capable of and what can i do. Overall they always helped me to achieve my goals and whatever my score is today they contributed a lot in it "