Dual Credit

About Dual Credit

Sturgeon Public Schools students can earn high school credits and post-secondary education credits while attending high school. 

We are excited to partner with Olds College, Lakeland College,  Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), and Northern Lakes College for the school year. We are offering Dual Credit courses where students can take part in live online instruction and/or self-paced learning with in-house college professors and high school teachers.

Taking a post-secondary course in high school gives students many advantages going forward in their educational journey. It gives students the confidence and motivation to transition from high school to post-secondary education. Dual Credit instruction gives students opportunities to try potential post-secondary programs with little or no risk in the familiarity of their own high school. This helps in career development and lifelong learning. Students can enroll in no more than 2 dual credit courses in a school year. 

The Provincial Dual Credit Strategy

"The Provincial Dual Credit Strategy is a call to action for school jurisdictions, publicly funded post-secondary institutions, and business and industry to increase their efforts to provide engaging and relevant learning experiences for all Alberta students.

Providing students with an intentional sequence of academic and occupational programs encompassing K–12 and post-secondary courses will help to increase learner retention and the high school completion rate, increase participation of young adults in post-secondary programs, and help young adults make meaningful connections to the labor market." http://www.albertadualcredit.ca/

Sturgeon Public Schools currently has/had Memorandum of Agreements with the following post secondary institutions: 

Navigate the dropdown menus below, to see what course offerings each school has:


1st Semester

Welding 1000DC (cohort)  Workplace Safety  3 credits to appear on official NAIT transcript

High School Credit 3-30 level credits

WDA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

WDA3401: Tools & Equipment

WDA3403: Oxyfuel & Plasma Arc

This course is online/synchronous  with an instructor 2 days a week outside of the regular school day, from 4pm-6pm (times subject to change). The course runs for 10 weeks and includes a Saturday Lab at the NAIT campus with instructors guiding students through a series of lessons. Attendance is mandatory. Bussing will be provided from SCHS

The instructor will be in person for the first lesson and then online thereafter. 



Students must be registered by September 15,2024                      

Course begins on September 26, 2024

NAIT shop day December 14, 2024                                 

WINTER COHORT (subject to enrollment)                                    

Students must be registered by January 17,2025

Course begins on January 30, 2025

NAIT shop day April 12, 2025

Second Semester  

Winter Cohort (subject to enrollment)

Heavy Equipment Tech 1100 3 credits - to appear on official NAIT transcript.

High School credit 3-30 Level credits

HEA 3900: Apprenticeship safety

HEA 3400: Basic Tools and Materials

HEA 3405: Bearings and Seals

This course is online/synchronous  with an instructor 2 days a week outside of the regular school day, from 4pm-6pm (times subject to change). The course runs for 10 weeks and includes 4 lab days at NAIT (dates TBA) with instructors guiding students through a series of lessons. Bussing will be provided from
SCHS. Attendance is mandatory.

Dates:  2nd Semester Feb-April 2025

to be determined

·   Classes will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays repeating.

·   4 lab days over the 10 weeks from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM equalling 24 hours total of lab time. (schedule to come in the fall)

·   4 hours a week of online theory, 2 hours Tuesday, 2 hours Thursday equaling 40 hours theory total.

Athabasca University

Norquest College

Scholarship Opportunities