Namao Royal News


Please check namao royal news often, as this platform updates in real time!


For more information regarding upcoming events, please refer to the Google Calendar below

Hey Namao families!

Have you ever wanted to look at the surface of the moon?  How about a glimpse at Jupiter and its moons? Now is your chance! Thanks to the work of Miss Larouche, our school is now home to a Sky-Watcher Dobsonian telescope until the end of June! 


Weather permitting, every second Friday in April, May and June, Miss Larouche will host an astronomy club starting at 9-11pm behind the school. Any Namao families are welcome to bring their camping chairs, your own telescopes (or use ours), and check out the mysteries of the solar system with us! Watch the school calendar for exact dates, first one will be April 5th.

The time has come!

Yearbook orders are officially LIVE!
Click the link below to get started

Orders are due by MAY 31st

2023/2024 Yearbook Order 

Namao Music Programs

Be sure to submit your permission forms via PowerSchool for the upcoming Band trip to Galaxyland!

Payment of $55 can by made by e-transfer to 

Namao snack shop 

Snack Shop Returns May 21st

Going forward, Snack Shop will be happening on DAY ONE or DAY FIVE in our rotation! Please refer to the schedule posted outside of the foods room for an up-to-date calendar

 Junior High and Elementary students are invited to swing by the Foods Room to make purchases from the Snack Shop! Concession is cash only, with items priced in the $1.50 - $3.00 range. Please remember to bring a spoon!

We can't wait to see you there!

Please see the list below of items that our teachers are currently looking for - we ask that any donated item be in excellent, like-new condition - thank you!

The take a SMILE program is now being offered at Namao School by the Child and Youth Care Worker, Ms. Paige Wills. The program offers opportunities for children and youth to build self-esteem and confidence by learning about healthy relationships, positive body image, media influence and conflict resolution through activities, discussions, arts and crafts, physical activity, and journaling. The program works to foster an atmosphere that is safe, welcoming and encourages connection building between like-minded peers!  

Our last session of 2024 begins next week - Grades 4/5 on Tuesdays, Grade 6 on Wednesdays and Grade 3 on Thursdays!

For more information, or to register a student, please email Ms. Wills at 

Indigenous Education Events and Supports


If your student is planning on taking a different bus home, please fill out the Transportation Permission Card found above.

This form must be signed by a parent or guardian, as well as a member of the Office Staff, and then provided to the bus driver.

Transportation Permission Card.docx


Parents and Guardians - please also be advised that you must contact your student's bus driver to ensure there will be enough room for additional students to join a trip

Please Note the Following

Thank you for helping to keep our school safe!

Important changes to PowerSchool

What is Student Contacts?

Student Contacts is an update to PowerSchool SIS that allows for greater flexibility in the type and amount of Parent/Guardians and Emergency Contacts that are connected to your child(ren). It will also unify your contact information across all of your children in the Division.

What will change for me?

Your information will now be unified across all schools in the Division that you are connected to (as a parent/guardian or emergency contact). Instead of having data entered at each school, you will have one set of contact information. Schools will be able to connect your information to your child(ren) at each school, whether you are a Parent, Guardian or Emergency Contact.

Why is this change happening?

There are many benefits of consolidating and updating student contact data: