Making of the stories

Project and our goals

We want to learn different digital skills. And making digital storytelling with different programs and techniques our students will learn a lot of during our project.

Imagination: For teachers it is quite amazing find their inner child! There is no limits, ideas can fly high and even higher!

Cooperation Skills: Working together, sharing ideas, making many things together. That is the main thing as a school work and in real life.

Speech bubbles

Let's try to make some slogans or yelps. We use Pixlr and Inkscape computer programs for doing those.


There is quite simple web site for making cool text: We use it for visualize blog pages.


3D-modelling is quite interesting and we made logos using google drive integrated: SketchUp for Schools

We have Prenta's 3d-printer at our school and it "sings" quite a lot!


Would it be cool to make your own character with laser cutting wood? YES!! We draw characters with Inkscape and made .dxf files for cutting. Luckily we have our cooperation partner LUMA-centre Saimaa and we can use LUT University's laser cutter :)

During our project we have phone meetings to Hungary and LUT-university. It was very nice for students to see laser cutting process.

The Big Battle

Project ended with a giant board game. Students and specially teachers love it :) It was nice closing session for the project!

And if you hear end of the game this kind of yell: "Can we play more during math lessons!"

Then You know for sure, that project has been success

"Perhaps, we can play at least once more :)"

Our superheroes
