Virtual Mobility 4 


Virtual Mobility 4 was our last virtual mobility. The first part of this mobility consisted of one main task, which they had to prepare beforehand: 

The hosts and their guests had to meet up on one or several video calls and interview/discuss their every-day lives: What they like to eat, hobbies etc. The second part of the discussion was plan what they would eat and do together in their spare time when they were in Italy. This task was supposed to bridge the culture gap by knowing what to expect, and to make host and guest more familiar with each other already before the physical mobility. We found this acitivity worked well and people mingled most over cultural borders in Italy. 

The second part of the virtual mobility consisted of information and preparation for the upcoming physical mobiity in Italy

Task description: 

First discussion should be held before Christmas. Second discussion before the virtual mobility 29.2. Both topics will be presented at the virtual mobility by host and guest. 

Third discussion to be held before Easter and the last one before the Italian mobility 6.5, where the last two topics will be presented by each couple. 

William and Antonisia


Beatrice and Sara


Lucas and Gabriele

Filippa and Sara's Infographic (1).pdf

Filippa and Sara

WhatsApp Video 2024-06-05 at 20.45.10.mp4

Grace and Ines

WhatsApp Video 2024-06-05 at 20.45.37.mp4

Ortenzia and Cornelia

Food and hobbies.mp4

Pablo and Mattia