The Arts

Art electives are designed to develop the creative abilities of the individual student through exposure to different media and the learning of basic artistic skills. Art classes promote a knowledge and understanding of art as an enjoyable, enriching aspect of life. Hopefully, with the development of skills and awareness of design, the appreciation of art and art involvement will become a carry-over activity that one can enjoy past graduation.

Visual Arts


Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This course will explore the various batik techniques used with wax and dye resist on fabric. Projects will primarily include wall hangings.  Student’s work may be displayed and selected for show in galleries. 


Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: Students in this course will be introduced to basic methods of construction: hand building, coil, wheel, slab, sculptural, and functional. Students can select to focus on wheel throwing or sculpture. Glazing and decorating techniques will be explored. Raku methods of firing may be included.

Digital Photography I

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: CTE and Arts (dual requirement)

CTE dual college credit:

Digital Photography Clover Park TC DED 110 4 credits

Description: Understanding the skills of digital photography can help you document our changing world. Learning about the tools of the field–from cameras and their operation to software and digital manipulation–is a critical foundation this course provides. Class time will focus on instruction, critique, image manipulation, and printing. Capturing photos will occur outside of class time. You will work toward learning processes in Adobe Photoshop and create an online portfolio. A portion of each photography class is dedicated to exploring photography careers and skills.

Digital Photography II

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: Digital Photography I

Graduation requirement: CTE and Arts (dual requirement)

CTE dual college credit:

Digital Imaging Clover Park TC GTC 130 5 credits

Digital Photography Clover Park TC DED 110 4 credits

Description: Like Digital Photography I? Want to improve your skills and learn more? In this class, you will be introduced to SLR cameras and their functions, as well as studio lighting. You will extend your abilities through a variety of processes using Adobe Photoshop. You must be able to work independently so class time is maximized. Capturing photos will occur outside of class time. Skills learned in this course may be applied towards the work of starting an electronic portfolio for the AP Studio Art process. If you think you are going to pursue AP Studio or a career in graphic design, it is strongly recommended to take Digital Photography II and III consecutively.

Digital Photography III

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: Digital Photography II

Graduation requirement: CTE and Arts (dual requirement)

Description: This is an advanced course in digital photography, developed for students who are interested in preparing and submitting a portfolio to meet AP Studio Art standards and who are serious about a career in photography or graphic design. You must be able to work independently and have a strong desire to better your skills. For students pursuing the AP Studio Art credit, plan on dedicating extensive work outside of class. It is strongly recommended that students take Digital Photography II and III consecutively when pursuing the AP Studio Art option.

Intro to Creative Arts

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This course will survey a variety of art mediums and styles. The students will have the opportunity to explore both 2-dimensional and 3 dimensional art styles while learning the Elements of Art and Principles of design. Students’ work may be selected for show in galleries or other student exhibits.

Glass Art

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: Students will be introduced to the use of glass art through copper foil, lead came, concrete stepping-stones, glass etching and fusion. Students will also use the creative process to problem solve, apply their solutions, and respond to art. Students interested in learning more should check out these slides about the course.


Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This course introduces students to the printmaking techniques of silkscreen, linoleum block (relief), collographs, one-of-a-kind (monotypes), cardboard, found object prints and more. Students will complete a variety of original printed images using several methods including the use of a hand operated printing press and silkscreen printing. Student’s work may be displayed and selected for show in galleries.

Theater Design & Technology

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: CTE and Arts (dual requirement)

Description: Theatre Design & Technology will introduce the student to a practical approach to the technical and production aspects of musical theater and drama. You will learn the skills needed to construct scenery, hang and focus lighting instruments, implement a sound system, and scenic artistry, all in a variety of techniques. In conjunction with the Music and Drama Departments, you will take an active role in each of the major productions. You will craft your own designs for scenery, costumes, and lighting of a theatrical production. You will participate in career-connected learning through visits to theatres and meeting professionals in the technical theatre industry.

Performing Arts & Instrumental Music

Students interested in participating in band at Peninsula High School should have at least one year of prior instrumental music experience. Placement in the advanced ensembles is determined by instrumentation needs and the instructor's assessment of each student's musical skills. Marching Band is an optional ensemble that meets after school and select Saturdays for competitions in the fall, including an August intensive Band Camp. Band is a FULL YEAR course. Students' individual practice at home and their focused attention during rehearsals are crucial to success in these courses. All band students are required to participate in rehearsals and performances outside of class. 

Larger instruments are available at school for rent at $45 per semester. Certain instruments (French horn, tuba, euphonium) require a different style of instrument (mellophone, contra/sousaphone, bell front baritone, respectively) to be played for Pep and Marching Band and will need to rent this additional instrument at the $45 per semester rate.  Scholarship funds are available for students needing assistance.


Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This course is designed for students with no prior guitar experience. The purpose of this class is to introduce guitar fundamentals, music theory, songs, rhythm and chords.

Concert Band

Grades: 9

Credit: 1.0

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: The Concert Band is the entry level 9th grade ensemble that focuses on high musical standards, ensemble skills and instrument technique. The Concert Band performs three concerts and goes to one adjudicated event each year. This ensemble combined with the Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, and Percussion Ensemble to serve as the Pep Band at all home football games, some traveling playoff games, and 8 home basketball games. This is a full year course. Interested in learning more? Check out this course video!

Jazz Ensemble

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 1.0

Prerequisite: Audition required

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This is an auditioned group that focuses on music from the big band era. This group is open to trumpets, trombones, saxes, jazz guitar, jazz bass, vibraphone/percussion and drum set. The jazz band will perform at select jazz festivals throughout the Northwest in addition to home concerts. All performances are required. Depending on enrollment a second band may be formed. This is a full year class for credit and rehearses before school at 6:15 a.m. in the band room. Concurrent enrollment in Wind Symphony, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, or Percussion Ensemble is required.

Percussion Ensemble

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 1.0

Prerequisite: Must be able to read music, percussion experience or director approval required

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This ensemble specializes in performance and technique training specific to playing all forms of percussion. Training will be focused on rudimental, orchestral, and world drumming. The PHS Drumline will be formed from members of this ensemble and will perform with the Pep Band at football and basketball games as well as other opportunities. Ensemble will also play concert percussion ensembles as well as all the percussion parts for the Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band. Class will also include masterclasses and individual training on all percussion instruments. The Percussion Ensemble may take special trips to perform at various festivals and/or events.

Symphonic Band

Grades: 10-12

Credit: 1.0

Prerequisite: Prior experience in a band program with recommendation from the director. Incoming 9th graders may be selected if they pass an audition that shows proficiency on their instruments and knowledge of major scales, chromatic scale, and sight-reading ability.

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This course builds on the material learned in Concert Band (see above), with additional emphasis being given to developing greater technical and expressive facility and to reading/performing more mature musical literature. Symphonic Band does not require an audition for band students in grades 10-12. This ensemble combined with the Wind Symphony, Concert Band, and Percussion Ensemble serves as the Pep Band at all home football games, some traveling playoff games, and 8 home basketball games. This is a full year course.

Wind Symphony

Grades: 10-12

Credit: 1.0

Prerequisite: Audition required

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: The Wind Symphony serves as the cornerstone and highest musical ensemble in the band program. This ensemble performs literature from classic to contemporary and stresses the highest possible musical and performance excellence. Private lessons are recommended as it will help facilitate the high difficulty of music. This ensemble combines with the Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Percussion Ensemble to form the Pep Band at all home football games, some traveling playoff games, and 8 home basketball games. This is a full year course. This class is by audition only. Please contact Megan Webster for more information and audition materials.

Chamber Choir

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 1.0

Prerequisite: Audition required

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This is a mixed choir selected by audition each spring. The continued study of vocal technique, rhythm and note reading, with an emphasis on the classical genre will be emphasized. Students will gain an awareness of music's place in history and its inter-relatedness to other subjects. This is a performance-oriented group and therefore will perform during and after school hours. In addition, Chamber Choir will participate in several competitions to include in the league choral festival each fall and will generally take an annual tour.

Concert Choir

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 1.0

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: A choir for students who enjoy singing. There is no audition required. This course offers an opportunity for the enjoyment of choral music and for learning to sing with appropriate vocal style tone and confidence. Students will study a variety of choral literature and develop vocal technique, basic rhythm and note reading skills. The choir will perform several times throughout the course of the school year, mostly outside of the normal school day.

Show Choir

Grades: 10-12

Credit: 1.0

Prerequisite: Audition and Chamber Choir

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: Show Choir is a select vocal group consisting of students who show good vocal technique as soloists and ensemble singers. Entrance to this group is by audition only. All vocal motion members must be currently enrolled in Chamber Choir. This class will specialize in applying fundamental vocal practices to the performance of popular styles  including: jazz, blues, rock and pop. This is a full year class for credit.


Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: Introduction to performance tools including: concentration, movement, vocal and character development. Work with groups in warm-ups, pantomime, improvisation games and scenes, workshops and short scene performances. Each semester will have at least one final evening performance before an audience; several smaller performances will occur during the course before class members. Students will be required to write reflections on performances and character/scene analysis. Some class field trips may also be offered.

Play Production (Fall)

Grades: 10-12

Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: Experience in high school drama, play production, choir, or band

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This class will begin more intensive exposure to all aspects of theatre production, from acting to makeup, from lights and sound to set construction, as well as acting & directing. Our first class project: All members of the class will be involved in production, crew and technical aspects of our fall play. The semester final project: a student run black box performance, including monologues, advanced scene work and/or short plays. This class requires an extra-curricular commitment.

Musical Theatre (Spring)

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: Teacher approval

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: This course helps students acquire, through hands-on experience and practical application, the skills and techniques of musical theater performance. This includes opportunities to grow skills in music (vocal or instrumental performance), acting, choreography, technical theater (building sets, lighting, sound design, stage work) and learn to work in the administrative side of theater and stage management. The major project of this class is to collaboratively produce the spring musical, and go through the entire process of production and performance, from auditions to strike. Musical theater as a collaborative, vital and multi-faceted art form that reflects and impacts culture and society will be explored. There is some outside of class time required.

Theater Design & Technology I

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Graduation requirement: CTE and Arts (dual requirement)

Description: Theater Design & Technology will introduce the student to a practical approach to the technical and production aspects of musical theater and drama. You will learn the skills needed to construct scenery, hang and focus lighting instruments, implement a sound system, and scenic artistry, all in a variety of techniques. In conjunction with the Music and Drama Departments, you will take an active role in each of the major productions. You will craft your own designs for scenery, costumes, and lighting of a theatrical production. You will participate in career-connected learning through visits to theaters and meeting professionals in the technical theatre industry.

Theater Design & Technology II

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.5

Prerequisite: Theater Design & Technology I

Graduation requirement: CTE and Arts (dual requirement)

Description: Building on Theater Design & Technology I, this course deepens skills in advanced theater production. Students engage in complex scenery construction, lighting, sound design, and scenic artistry. They lead technical roles in school productions and explore digital design tools and stage management. The course includes professional workshops and potential industry shadowing. Students create a portfolio showcasing their advanced theater design and technology skills, preparing them for further education or careers. 

CWU Introduction to Theatre

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 0.8 (one semester)

Graduation requirement: Arts

Description: CWU College in the High School (CIHS) lets you take Central Washington University Theatre 107 and earn 4 quarter hours of credit.

Official CWU Course Description: Overview of the basic elements of the theatre arts and dramatic structure, and the environment for production of plays.

General Course Description: This course is designed to introduce the student to theatre as a live art form and to develop the students’ critical awareness of its various elements. This class is appropriate for any student, those who love to perform and those who don’t, those who are already involved in theatre and those who aren’t. We will explore the art of theatre through activities, lecture, demonstration, and observation of the forms, conventions, contributors, styles, and history of theatre. We will watch at least one live performance of a play, read study several others, and practice writing and discussing about plays and productions. This course can be taken without the college credit option; students will still receive 0.8 credit of high school Fine Art elective credit.

CWU Dance 141: Jazz Dance

Grades: 9-12

Credit: 1.0

Graduation requirement: Arts and Physical Education

Description: CWU College in the High School (CIHS) lets you take Central Washington University DANCE 141 and earn 1 quarter hour college credit.

Official CWU Course Description: Emphasis on American Jazz Dance.

General Course Description: Develop your flexibility, strength and fitness through dance. This movement-based course will focus on the fundamental techniques of American Jazz Dance through the decades. This course will also explore the history and influence of Jazz Dance in American culture, from musicals to hip-hop. This course can be taken without the college credit option; students will still receive 1.0 credits of high school fine art credit.