The Yearbook of Gig Harbor High School
Visit our sister publication The Sound, Gig Harbor High School's student newspaper!
Use this form to make changes to your name as it is listed in the yearbook.
Hello from the 2024-25 Publications Staff
Welcome to the yearbook website! We have been working hard on the 2024 book since May, and we can't wait to show it to you in June!
We've done it again!
For the fifth year in a row, the Tsunami staff celebrates earning the National Yearbook Program of Excellence award for creating and delivering an exceptional yearbook.
Important 2024-25 Dates:
October 31--Senior baby pictures are due.
October 31--Senior alternate portraits are due. Please upload them to this form.
December 15--Last day to pre-order a guaranteed copy of the yearbook. Please note that at this time, we need to place our order quantity, and we have to guess at how many more we will sell in the spring. This year we will not be purchasing extra books (except we will be sure we have enough for Grad Ad purchasers.) This keeps the cost lower and reduces the waste of having unsold books at the end of the year. We sold out the last two years, so be sure to buy your book by December 15 to be sure you've got a copy.
January 1 through March 31--Yearbook sales are closed until April. This closure helps us comply with state fundraising rules and also prevents you from having to pay sales tax on your book. Thanks for understanding.
February 8--Grad Ad payment and design is due for guaranteed publication in the yearbook. Grad Ads completed or paid after this date will be published on a space-available basis.
April 1--Remaining yearbooks (if any) are on sale, only while supplies last and at a higher price.
TBD, early June--Yearbook distribution day
Please note: We have extremely tight timelines and strict submission deadlines from our publisher each month, so be sure to keep track of these dates so that you don't miss turning in something that's important to you.
Grad Ad sales are now open
Grad Ads are custom-designed pages printed in the yearbook in honor of your senior. They are on sale through February 15th each year. You can get all the information on the Grad Ad section of our website here.
Yearbook sales are now open.
You can buy your copy by December 15, or check to see if you've purchased yours here. In an effort to keep down cost and the waste of having extra unsold books, we are buying very few extras this year. We will buy enough extras for those who purchase Grad Ads in the spring, and if any remain, they will go on sale in April at a higher price. We sold out last year, so be sure you purchase yours by December 15 to be sure there's a copy reserved for you!