
Welcome to Day 1 of Design Thinking & Makerspaces! To get started we're going to work on a couple of warm up activities.

Talents of Improv

Introductions to SeeSaw

SeeSaw the Learning Journal

SeeSaw is a digital portfolio for students where both teachers and students can curate learning experiences.

SeeSaw allows you to share images, videos, audio clips, links, and written notes. How you choose to share your learning is up to you, however we encourage you to experiment with the different mediums.

Join our SeeSaw Class using the code:

1. Open the SeeSaw app and select "I'm a student"

2. Enter the text code to join our SeeSaw class

3. You will have 6 different ways to share

Digital Introductions

1) Take a selfie - Select the image post and take a picture

2) Write a caption with your name , what you teach, what sparked your interest in design thinking and makerspaces, what you hope to learn in this workshop

3) Comment on the post of others