Volunteer Roles
Volunteer role details
Position Descriptions Below — click right hand corner to reveal
All 1st shift & full event volunteers must check-in @ the Check-In Table located by the bullpen @ 5p.m.
All 2nd shift volunteers must check-in by event 32 and begin shift @ event 38.
Announce the swimmers names for their event. You have a bullhorn! Make sure swimmers are getting lined up to swim in their event and get them ready to head to the Merge area. Make sure swimmers have last names on their backs or arms in Sharpies - this will help you identify and learn swimmer names. Keep an eye on trash and help swimmers clean up the bullpen area. Make sure the bullpen is clean prior to shift change and at the end of the meet. Report to the bullpen (swimmer holding area) after check in. For home meets, this is the grassy area behind the pool deck.
Report to Check-In Table @ 4:30 p.m.
Greet and check-in swimmers & families. Help swimmers with arm graffiti.
Clean Up
Home Meets: Responsible for placing the pool back to its pre-meet condition and putting up tables, chairs, computers, starting blocks etc.
Away Meets: Help clean up the bullpen area and get all the Marlin's equipment loaded into the correct cars. Ask Head Council and coaches if they need help.
Computer Person
Trained Position - This role must attend a GCSL virtual training session in early May.
Make sure scoring is accurate at home and away meets, entering times into the computer, printing score sheets and ribbon labels. Report to the computer room/gym.
Helps with concession items, monetary transactions, heating food, food prep, selling food, etc. Transactions will be via Venmo & cash. Report to Head of Concessions @ clubhouse upper deck after check in @ 5pm unless otherwise noted.
*Home meets only
Fun Friday
Picks up donuts for delivery @ pool @ 9am on Friday
(4) dozen total
(1) glazed
(3) chocolate / frosted
(2) jugs of juice
Submit receipt to Treasurer
Sell apparel, goggles, swim caps, etc.
Merge (Clerk of COurse)
Make sure all the swimmers are lined up in their correct – heat / event / lane – in the merge (holding) area. Work with bullpen volunteers for missing swimmers. Line kids up on benches in the Merge area and walk to buckets behind blocks for Staging. Use Heat Sheets to line kids on bench. Report to the staging/merge area (for home meets, this is under the upper deck) @ 5:30.
Watch swims and hand out prizes to all heat winners, and congratulate winners and swimmers for good effort. Report to the pool deck @ 5:30 pm.
relay Stager
Check-in @ 5pm
Meet @ Event #10 by bullpen gate/entrance
Make sure you have the correct swimmers for their relay! They should be holding a card with the listed swimmer names. For the younger swimmers, make sure they know what stroke they are swimming. Take the swimmers to the correct side of the pool for their heat. Report to the pool deck by the bullpen when relays are announced or no later than Event 10, and for all subsequent relays.
Check-in by event 32, and report to computers by event 40.
Place ribbon stickers on ribbons as they are printed. Make sure ribbons are finished. May involve staying a bit late to finish stickers. Friday morning, arrive early to place ribbons in family folders (3rd shift only). 2nd shift- Report to the computer area @ Event 40.
Gets the results of each heat from timers and takes to the computer table. Report to timers on the pool deck @ 5:30 pm.
Arrive EARLY @ 4 p.m.
Home Meet: Responsible for setting up tables, chairs, computers, staging buckets and chairs, starting blocks, etc. Rope off the baby pool and hang sponsorship banners.
Away Meet: Help set up the bullpen area. Report to the closet in the gym where Susan Pope can help direct, and there will be a checklist to guide you.
Stack & move chairs and tables out of the way (stack loungers near slide pool to block off slide pool)
Move furniture/clear space under patio for swimmers
Table set up in visitor bullpen and rope off visitor parking area
Rope off baby pool
Rope walkway to Merge and at ends of pool
Open back gate & put mats out/bridge and tarp over grassy area in bullpen. If tarp is used, cover tarp with rolled up rubber flooring.
Caution tape/block path to basketball courts in bullpen
Hang sponsorship banners w/zip ties
Leave/Set up one round table w/umbrella for Starter at the corner of the pool (the side near waterslide pool)
Set up buckets in rows for Staging behind dive blocks
Set up (5) benches in rows for Merge area
Set up Starter Equipment
Tent in bullpen area and 2 blue benches (set up on deck just inside gate)
Trash bags to both bullpens (2 each, lawn bags found in closet)
Trained official (often the Head Official)
Works full meet, home meets only!
Runs meets, uses buzzer to start swims, keeps the meets moving, makes announcements, etc.
Report to the pool deck to help set up equipment.
Stroke & Turn Judges
Trained Position - This role must attend a GCSL virtual training session in early May.
Teams must provide 4 judges each meet. Works shifts. 1st shift report to the pool deck @ 5:30. Dress code: must wear a white top.
May be asked to fill in as needed.
Time swimmers in your assigned lane, verify names of swimmers in your lane as they exit the pool, record time on the time sheet provided. Each team must provide 5 timers, plus a backup. Report to Marlins Head Timer Tina Manning (home meets) or Opponent's Head Timer (away meets) on pool deck @ 5:30 pm. Ask the Head Timer questions if you are a first time Timer and need help.
Check with bullpen workers to make sure all the swimmers are lined up in their correct heat- event- lane in the bullpen area. Collect and walk swimmers from Bullpen to Merge. Report to Bullpen by 5:30 to help get swimmers ready ahead of the meet start time.