Welcome to the WCCPBA (Washington Children's Choice Picture Book Award) Index.  Many of you purchase the 20 titles for the WCCPBA each year.  You have most of these books in your library.  Why not make greater use of the books by using them in library lessons, as well as, sharing with your school's teachers when then need something to fit a particular curricular need?  This index will allow you to quickly find that perfect WCCPBA book.  The index also enables you to find connections with other books you may already have in your library.

Start with the Topic Index.  When you find the book you want, locate it using  the Book Pages link.  Each book has a page that includes a description of the book, suggested reading dates, key vocabulary, focus questions, and activities.   Much of this information was from the WCCPBA Activity Packets and other resources (Thanks to all of the committee members over the years!).  When the information didn't exist, we created it.  Pages have been generated in two formats: google docs (will force you to make a copy) and pdf (we're working on this!).   There is space on each page for you to add your own notes.  In google docs, the force copy allows you to make your own google doc that you can edit.  The pdf version is great for printing out.  You can print out the page and hand it to your classroom teacher when you give them the book!

There is also an author/illustrator index.  This allows you to find WCCPBA books by author and/or illustrator for an author study.

The suggested reading dates index is an amazing calendar.  Set in school year order (late August through June) you can find special months, weeks, and days that have a corresponding WCCPBA book.  There's almost a book for every day of the year!

Finally, there is a list of the titles in order of the year they were on the WCCPBA and a table of historic voting results for the award.

This is a labor of love by Dave Sonnen and Cory Fortin.  It is also a work in progress (especially in the Literacy/SEL subjects).  We know the site is pretty basic.  Currently, the index contains nominated WCCPBA books from 2005 - Present (2024).  If you find a correction, or a topic we left out, or even another activity, please let us know at 

We hope you enjoy the index and find some books you might have forgotten.

-Dave & Cory