Recovery Of Academic Responsibility (ROAR)

What is ROAR?

Recovery Of Academic Responsibility (ROAR) is a lunch intervention designed to help students who are receiving or on the verge of receiving a D or F in one or more of their core courses. Counselors meet with students in a group setting to review missing work and teach students new skills and interventions they can use to be successful at Computech.

ROAR serves multiple functions here at Computech: to build fundamental organization and time management skills, a quiet study space during lunch, and to guide students on where and how to receive tutorial services on campus.

Student who are summoned to ROAR are encouraged to work with their teachers after completing an ATLAS check in with their counselor during lunch to make up missing work or retake tests in order to maintain eligibility (no F’s) for sports and school related events.

When you report to ROAR in Room 92, you get to cut in front of the lunch line!