Miss Miceli 3-1
Edison Township Public Schools - 312 Pierson Avenue - Edison, NJ 08837
Each day, choose activities from the following lists:
Each day, choose activities from the following lists:
Reading/Social Studies- See day 51 in Google Classroom
Writing- See day 51 in Google Classroom
Math- See day 51 in Google Classroom
Science/Health- See day 51 in Google Classroom
Specials Activity- Day 2 (Gym)
The students will be completing their specials work on a daily rotation schedule of 1-5. Our schedule is as follows:
Day 1-Music, Day 2-Gym, Day 3-Art, Day 4-Gym, Day 5-Spanish
Email address: briana.miceli@edison.k12.nj.us
Office hours: 9:00-4:00
Reading Activity List
Reading Activity List
Writing Activity List
Writing Activity List
Math Activity List
Math Activity List
Aside from the activities provided, spending time playing board games and card games, cooking together, telling stories, taking walks, riding bikes, and limiting screen time.