Chapter 1 - Tools of Geometry

Mid-Chapter Review:

Thanks to Ishwari, Jaansi & Lekhana!

The mid-chapter review in the textbook is a great resource to review for the quiz! It is about 1.1 - 1.4.

Mid-Chapter Review

Chapter 1 Textbook Reviews:

Thanks to Jaansi Patel, Lekhana Chennuru

Textbook Studyguide, Review

Practice Test -- On the last page of this doc


Complete Chapter - Ishwari :D

1.1 - Points, Lines and Planes

Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar and Nidhi Karulkar

Worksheet #1

Worksheet #2 - We haven't learnt some parts of it.

Worksheet #3 - Nidhi

Worksheet #4 Planes - Nidhi

Worksheet #5 - Nidhi

Khan Academy

1.2 - Points, Linear Measure

Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar and Nidhi Karulkar

Worksheet #1

YOU ARE RICH IN WORKSHEETS NOW!!! (seriously, this has everything) -Nidhi

1.2 + 1.3 Worksheet 2 (Includes Answers)

Worksheet #3 (Includes Answers)

1.3 - Distance & Midpoint

Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar and Nidhi Karulkar

Kuta Worksheet

Distance and Midpoint Worksheet - Nidhi

Midpoint on a Coordinate Plane Worksheet 1 -Nidhi

Distance Formula

Midpoint on a Coordinate Plane Worksheet 2

Kuta Worksheet

1.4 - Angle Measurements

Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar and Nidhi

Kuta Measuring Angles

Kuta Classifying Angles

Naming Angles and Measuring Them - Nidhi

Worksheet #4 - Includes Answers - Nidhi


Practice Measuring Angles

Textbook Quiz - Make sure you are logged in.

1.5 - Angle Relationships

Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar

Kuta Worksheet #1

Kuta Worksheet #2

Worksheet #3

Worksheet #4

Worksheet #5

1.6 - 2 Dimensional Figures

Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar

Complete Chapter (Pgs 21-24)

I wasn't able to find many worksheets, so just use the textbook for more resources. - IV

1.7 - 3 Dimensional Figures

I wasn't able to find many worksheets, so just use the textbook for more resources. - IV



Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar

Point: A location on a plane with no specific shape or size. It is named with a single uppercase letter.

Line: Made up of points. Lines have an infinite amount of points that extend infinitely.

Segments: Line segments are portions of lines with two end points. (Thomas Catuosco)

Rays: Rays are a form of line with 1 end point in one end, and extends infinitely in the other direction. (Thomas Catuosco)

Plane: A flat surface made up of points which can extend infinitely in all directions. Any 3 non-collinear points can name a plane.

Space: Boundless 3-dimensional set of points

Collinear: Points in the same line

Coplanar: Points in the same plane

Intersection: Intersection of 2 or more geometric figures have common set of points. 2 lines intersect in a single point. Lines can intersect planes, and planes can intersect each other.

Undefined Terms: Terms explained using examples.

Defined Terms: Terms explained using undefined terms.


Thanks to Lekhana Chennuru

Line Segment; can be measured as it has 2 endpoints

Betweenness of Points; when there is a real number between 2 other real numbers

Congruent Segments: have the same measure


Constructions; methods of creating these figures without the benefit of measuring tools

Key Concept of Betweeness of Points (in the textbook):

Point M is between Point P and Point Q only if they all are collinear points meaning if they all lie on the same line. The equation will be PM + MQ = PQ.

Example (from textbook):

XZ = XY + YZ

XY = 3a

YZ = 14

XZ = 5a - 4

Figure out what XY is equal to.



XZ = XY + YZ

3a + 14 = 5a - 4



a = 9

Find XY:

XY = 3a

= 3(9)

= 27


Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar

Distance between 2 points is the length of line segment that uses those 2 points as its end points. The distance between them is the absolute value of the difference between their coordinates.

  • Finding Distance on Number line:

    • |x1-x2| (order doesn't mater)

  • Finding Distance on Coordinate Plane:


Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar

Ray: Part of a line, with one end-point which extends infinitely in one direction. It is named starting with its endpoint.

Angle: Formed by 2 non-colinear rays that have common end-point.

Types of Angles:

  • Right Angle: 90 degrees

  • Acute Angle: < 90 degrees

  • Obtuse Angle: 90 degrees < Angle < 180 degrees

  • Reflex Angle: 180 degrees < Angle < 360 degrees

  • Straight Angle: 180 degrees

  • Complete Angle: 360 degrees

  • Angles that add up to 180 degrees: Supplementary Angles

  • Angles that add up to 90 degrees: Complementary Angles

Angles with same measure are called congruent angles.

Adjacent Angles: Angles next to other angle (must have these 3 things)

  1. Common Angle

  2. Common Side

  3. Can't have a common interior point/ angle.

Angle Bisector: A line which bisects the angle (which makes both the angles congruent).


Thanks to Nikola Birac

Adjacent angles - two angles that have a common vertex and a common side, in the same plane

Linear pair - pair of adjacent angles with uncommon sides and opposite rays

Vertical angles - two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines

Perpendicular lines - lines that form right angles

Things you can assume - all points are coplanar


Thanks to Ishwari Veerkar

Polygon: Closed figure formed by coplanar segments called sides

Concave: A polygon whose lines when extended contain any point in the interior of the polygon

Convex: No point of the lines are in the interior of the polygon when extended

Equilateral: Same/ Congruent Sides

Equiangular: Same/ Congruent Angles

Remember: Regular polygons are equailateral as well as equiangular.

  • Formula for finding the sum of interior angles:


  • Formula for finding one interior angle:
