**2019 Parent Survey - Please take a moment to fill out!**

Schedule 2019-20


The Nuts and Bolts of Room 107


The first bell of the day rings at 7:40. Students will be allowed into the room at the first bell. The second bell rings at 7:50. At that time students are expected to be in their classroom, ready to go for the day. Students should not arrive earlier than 7:40, as they may not be supervised due to staff meetings and teacher prep in the mornings. Our recess is at 11:45 and lunchtime is at (approximately) 12:05. Dismissal is at 2:25.


Each 4th grade student will be responsible for recording their agenda/homework in their planners daily. In fourth grade, there will be approximately 30-40 minutes of nightly homework. Each night students should read at least 20 minutes.

Please sign the agenda daily.


Students will be going outside for recess each day before lunch (unless weather prohibits-rain or cold), so please send appropriate clothing with your child.


Every child in our class is special and unique! To celebrate each individual and to help us get to know each other better, our class will be featuring one child each week as our 4th Grade Star! About a week before your child is scheduled to be the 4th grade star, I will send home an “All About Me” poster that they will fill out for their special week. Over the next few days, your child can begin to create their poster! Students may add pictures from home or draw their own. Add color! Please have your child return them on the Monday that they are the 4th Grade Star! Your child will have an opportunity to share their poster on the Wednesday of their assigned week. If they would like to bring in a few other items (favorite stuffed animal, trophy, favorite book, etc.) they are welcome to! It’s all about them!


I will email home periodically to let you know what's coming up and anything you need to know! Pictures will be posted on our classroom Instagram account. Please follow us at https://www.instagram.com/anderson4thgraders


-Your child will visit a teaching specialist daily. Music, Phy Ed, and Art will each occur each day for 50 minute periods. We will be on a 5 day rotation schedule (1-5 days).

-Additionally, Media Center time will occur once a week on “Day 1”. During this time, your child will have a lesson from our Media Specialist Laurie Holland and then select books for check-out. Please help your child remember to return their books each week.

Extra Activities in 4th Grade

Field Trips and Events: There will be several 4th grade field trips and events this year. General times and further details and dates will be forthcoming. Chaperone sign-ups will be through our website.

Testing: MAPs (Measures of Academic Progress) are district tests used to show achievement levels as well as academic growth. MCAs (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments) are state tests given in the areas of reading and math.

Class Parties: 4th graders participate in many celebrations. More information will follow as the year progresses.

Birthday Treats: Birthdays are special days! We enjoy making your child feel like their birthday is a very exciting day. Due to many circumstances, we will not be celebrating birthdays with a birthday treat. In lieu of birthday treats, book donations are recommended if you choose. I would invite your child to bring their favorite book or the book you have chosen to donate to school. Summer birthdays will be celebrated on the half-birthday. (i.e. celebrate July 15 on January 15th).

Snack Time: We will have a brief snack time each morning. A healthy snack will be important for good learning throughout the day. Please send a healthy and quick snack to school with your child. Good examples would be fruit, vegetables, cheese or raisins. We are also a PEANUT/NUT FREE classroom. Please be respectful of that when choosing snacks. We also encourage parents to send water bottles to school with their children. It is very important for children to be hydrated throughout the day. Bottles can stay at school, but will be sent home Fridays to be cleaned.

Peanut and Nut Free: The 4th grade cluster is peanut and nut free zone. Please do not send any peanuts, peanut butter or foods containing peanuts and tree nuts that could be consumed as a snack. It is acceptable to eat these products for lunch, which will be eaten in the lunchroom.

Cross contamination is the most difficult piece to manage. We are encouraging and practicing the importance of handwashing and sanitizing before and after students eat. Similarly, if your child ate peanut butter for breakfast we would greatly appreciate your making sure that his/her hands are washed with soap and water before leaving for school. Water alone does not do the trick.

If throughout the course of the year you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Teacher Contact Information

Amy Anderson

Voice Mail 952-848-3912 ext. 4372

Direct Line 952-848-4372-emergencies only, please!

Email: amy.anderson2@edinaschools.org

I check email during the day-this is the best way to get a hold of me. However, if you need to be sure that a message gets to me and it is towards the end of the day, please call the office at 952-848-4300. Remember, there are days when our computers/servers aren't working, and I may not get your email. Also, if there are days I am not at school, I will not get your message via email! So if it is an important message, please try to get it to me the day before, or call the office. Also, when dropping off items for your student, please leave them at the front office. They will deliver or call down to the room. This helps cut down on interruptions! Thanks!