Overview: Tabs container in Queues (Console)

Console > Queues > Overview: Tabs container in Queues (Console)

This article describes the tabs settings available for queues in Console.

In this article


Use the Tabs container to define which tabs are available to queue users in a particular queue.

Note: All of these tabs are available for all queues. You can also create Custom Tabs using the Custom Tabs container.

What are tabs?

Tabs are icons that give queue users access to specific functions while handling an interaction in a Queue. Queue users can toggle between tabs while handling an interaction to access the information and features they need to manage an interaction.

There are two types of Tabs in the interaction workspace in App: 

Continue reading the subsections below to learn more about small tabs and large tabs.

Small tabs

The Small tabs panel allows queue users to toggle between tabs on the left side panel of the interaction while still viewing tabs on the right side (large tabs).

Large tabs

The large tabs panel allows queue users to toggle between tabs on the right side of the interaction while still viewing tabs on the left side (small tabs).

Container breakdown


Queue users can view the customer’s full engagement history in the Journey tab. This tab works with the Journey container in the Queue workspace of Console, which is where you set the specific data that the Journey container tracks. Configure the Journey container when the Journey tab is enabled. Queue users can then open previous interactions to review the saved data and conversations.

Journey (Small Tab)

This tab functions like the Journey Tab. However, this specific tab populates in the Small Tab Panel, which is on the left-hand side of the interaction workspace.


Queue users can search for and review knowledge articles using the Knowledge tab. Knowledge articles are published on your account under the Content workspace of the CX menu in Console.


Queue users can send faxes when the Fax tab is enabled. The Fax tab appears in the Feed tab to the right of the message field. Before enabling this tab, ensure that there’s at least one fax number configured to your account. Do this by reviewing the Fax Number workspace under the Numbers menu in Console.


Queue users can send and receive emails using the Email tab. Before enabling this tab, ensure that there’s at least one email address configured to your account under the Email Configuration workspace under the CX menu in Console.

SFDC Lookup

Queue users can search and view Salesforce records through the avaya.cx system using the SFDC Lookup tab

Before enabling this tab, ensure that you’ve successfully integrated your Salesforce account with your avaya.cx account under the Integration workspace of the Account menu in Console. 

When this tab is disabled, the queue user doesn’t see the SFDC Lookup Tab in the interaction workspace, so they don’t have access to managing Salesforce records during the interaction. However, if your account is using our Salesforce CTI, then the queue user could still view Salesforce records while engaged in an interaction through your Salesforce instance.

Feed (Small Tab)

This tab displays the same information as the Feed Tab, but populates on the small tabs panel.

Receptionist Tab

The Receptionist Tab shows a list of all possible recipients of a transfer in the Large Tabs workspace. See Using the Receptionist Tab (App)

Default Tab Menu

The Default Tab menu allows you to define which of your tabs you would like to automatically populate on the large tabs workspace when a queue user accepts an interaction.

Use cases for tabs configuration

Suppose you have a queue that only handles voice interactions with new customers. Since new customers would not have existing accounts, queue users wouldn’t need to use the Journey tab while handling interactions. And, since the queue only handles voice interactions, queue users don’t need the Email tab.

This scenario gives an example of why you may want to disable certain tabs from the interaction workspace for queue users. While there may be some queues that require all of the tabs, most of the time queues will only need a few tabs to effectively manage customer interactions.