Overview: Email configuration (Console)

Console > CX > Email Configuration > Overview: Email configuration (Console)

This article provides an overview of the Email Configuration workspace in Console.


In Console, the Email Configuration workspace (CX > Email Configuration) is where you can configure one or more email addresses to forward to your Avaya.cx account. This lets you route emails to queues and workflows.

When you configure an email to forward to a queue in Avaya, these emails become Avaya interactions. This means they are:

When you configure an email to forward to a workflow, it kicks off a workflow session. This means that the specified workflow begins to run and process through its modules.

Routes and domains

There are two menus that make up email configuration:


The Routes menu is where you can map emails to destinations in your Avaya.cx account and view the list of emails being routed on your account. This means you can route a pre-existing email address that you own and manage, called an email address identity, to Avaya.

Once you provide an email address identity, the system generates a corresponding email routing address. These email addresses begin with “eeis”, are followed by a random number, and end with “@edifymail.com”.

This means all incoming mail can be forwarded to the email routing address which can create an interaction in a queue or be routed to a workflow. Replies to any incoming mail in the interaction workspace will be sent from the same email address identity, regardless of the queue’s Outbound Email Address. All outbound email interactions will be sent from the email defined in the Outbound Email Address field.

See Create a new email route (Console).


The domains menu Adding your domain lets you verify an entire email domain (like @yourcompany.com) that you own, foregoing the need to verify any future email addresses part of the same domain. As described in the routes section above, when you create a new email route, you usually need to verify that you have access and control over the email address you provided.

See Configure your email domain (Console).

Routes visual breakdown

Email Address Identities

Each email address identity represents an email address you own and have access to. Any email sent from this address to the email routing address will be routed to your Avaya.cx account.

Email Routing Address

An email routing address is an automatically generated email address created by the system. Any email sent from an email address identity to an email routing address will be routed to your Avaya.cx account.

Route To

The Route To field defines what kind of destination emails will be routed to in your Avaya.cx account.

Route Data

The Route Data field is where you select the specific destination for email routing. This will either be a queue or a workflow.

Verification Status

The Verification Status field shows whether or not the email address has been verified. Non-verified addresses cannot be used for routing. You can click the blue resend button to resend the verification email.

Created On

The Created On field records the date and time the email routing record was created.

Domains visual breakdown


The Domain field represents the domain that you own and want to verify.

Verification Status

The Verification Status field shows whether or not the domain has been verified. Please see the Domains section above to learn more about domain verification.

Created On

The Created On field records the date and time the email routing record was created.