Overview: IP Endpoints (Console)

Console > Account > IP Endpoints > Overview: IP Endpoints (Console)

This article provides an overview of IP endpoints in Console.


In Console, the IP Endpoints workspace under the Accounts menu is where you can manage all of the desk phones provisioned to your Avaya.cx account.

Provisioning a physical desk phone to your account, will allow the desk phone to use the Avaya network for managing calls. A provisioned desk phone can be used for managing phone calls for a specific user or a set of users, or it can be used as a phone line for a conference room. This allows the user to manage phone calls either with the desk phone or their WebRTC softphone. The user can use their desk phone only or their desk phone in combination with their WebRTC softphone for managing phone calls if they prefer it.

Once you’ve provisioned the desk phone to your account and assigned it to a user, the device is active. For example, if a user has their call settings configured to route user calls and/or extension calls to “Endpoints”, the user’s desk phone rings when receiving a call.

You can’t remove an endpoint from your account once it’s been created. However, you can unassign an endpoint from a user if they are no longer using it, or you can disable an endpoint by changing its status from ‘Enabled’ to ‘Disabled’.

Provisioning information

To provision an endpoint to your account, collect the following information:

After you’ve added the endpoint to your account, Avaya assigns the endpoint an ID, SIP Username, and SIP Password.

If the phone is already pointing to our provisioning server (which is typically the case when you order the phone from Avaya), the phone automatically pulls in the credentials needed to connect the device to your Avaya.cx account.

Settings page

The settings page allows you to customize and manage individual IP endpoints. Open the settings page from the IP Endpoints Workspace by navigating to IP Endpoints, then select the IP endpoint you want to view or modify.

Endpoint Settings container

The Endpoint Settings container allows you to enter the specific information about the phone you are provisioning. 

See the visual breakdown below for an explanation of each setting.

Visual breakdown

Line keys

The Line Keys container allows configuration of Line Keys on a deskphone. See below for configuration details.


Use the Custom container to customize the configuration of the endpoint. Refer to the administrator guide for the type of endpoint for more information.

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