Overview: Home list Status column in Queue (App)

App > Queue > Home list status column in Queue (App)

This article provides an overview of the status column in a queue’s Home List in App. The home list status column is where you can see the status of an interaction.


The Status column in Home list is where you can see the interaction status of an interaction.

The Status column shows the current status of the interaction.

An interaction in a queue typically goes through several status changes. Statuses begin in the Creating status, and they end in the Completed status.

Continue reading this article for a description of each of the statuses an interaction could have.

Interaction statuses


The Creating status is the initial status of an inbound interaction before it’s officially sent to the queue and delivered to the first user.


The Open status is the status of an interaction that doesn’t currently have an assigned user. This happens in a few different ways. Interactions can leave Pending or Bot status and change to Open status as the system looks for the next available user. Or an interaction is unassigned from a user and changes to Open status until the interaction becomes assigned to the next available user.


The Pending status is the status of an interaction that occurs when the system has assigned the interaction to an available user and is ringing that user in the queue. The interaction remains in this status for the length of the user’s configured ring time unless that user rejects the interaction at some point during the ring time. After the interaction rings the user for their full ring time and is not accepted or is rejected, it moves into Open status and the system looks for the next available user to ring. When the user accepts the interaction, the interaction moves into Connected status.

Admin/manager note: 


The Bot status is the status of an interaction that’s sent to a workflow or queue voicemail. This happens when there aren’t any available users to ring, the customer has waited too long to be connected to a user, or you have timed workflows configured to run at a certain time point. Interactions are moved to this status when they are sent to any of these experiences: timed workflows, maximum wait (queue voicemail or workflows), and exit no agents (queue voicemail or workflows).


The Connected status is the status of an interaction that’s assigned to a specific user. While in this status, the assigned user has the ability to control and manage the interaction. Connected status is the first status that an outbound interaction displays.


The Hold status is the status of a voice interaction when the assigned user places the phone call on hold. This means the customer is hearing hold music as the assigned user is working on resolving the issue.

Blind Transfer

The Blind Transfer status is the status of an interaction that’s going through a blind transfer. This means that the current assigned user is sending the interaction to a different user without completing a hand off to that person to explain the purpose of the transfer.

Attended Transfer

The Attended Transfer status is the status of an interaction that’s going through an attended transfer. This means the assigned user is sending the interaction over to a different user after providing a hand off to explain the purpose of the interaction.

Wrap Up

The Wrap Up status is the status of an interaction that’s just executed a closing event, like the user just clicked the Close: Resolved button, and the user is no longer connected to the customer. This means the user is now actively working on dispositioning tasks and completing other post-interaction work to prepare for the next interaction.


The Completed status is the status of an interaction that’s cleared from the queue. This means that the interaction was either manually closed by the user or automatically closed by the system. Once the interaction is in the Completed status, the interaction can’t be moved to another interaction status.