Overview: Home list in Queue (App)

App > Queue > Home list in Queue (App)

This article provides an overview of the features of Home list, which is an area of Home in Queue in App.


The Home list is an area in Queue Home. The Home list is where you see all queue activity.

Once logged in, navigate to Queue, then select Home from the Queue menu dropdown (top-left corner).

The Home list is set up like a table that shows you either live interactions or completed interactions depending on the Home list view you’ve selected. Each row in the table represents an interaction.

When looking at a table row (a single interaction), the columns (labeled along the top of the table) give you the following details about the interaction:

Visual breakdown

Monitoring action menu (A)

Use the Monitoring action menu to set a default action for opening an interaction. There are three actions to choose from: private view, public view, and claim. You can also use this keyboard shortcut if you want to search for an interaction using its interaction ID.

Note: You may not have access to all of these options. See Overview: User Home list settings in Queue (Console).

This means that every interaction you select will either be either opened with private view, public view, or will be claimed, based on the selection made in the apply all action menu.

Home list filters and search bar (B)

Use the Home list filters to select a data source and one of the following operators: Contains, Equals, Starts with, or Ends with. Then use the search bar to search for specific data (like a phone number, email, name, etc). This lets you drill down to specific active or completed interactions with matching input data. See Overview: Filters and search in Queue Home list (App).

Communication type (C)

The communication type column states whether the interaction is inbound or outbound and displays an icon to represent the communication type.

Subject (D)

The Subject column displays a short description of the interaction. This subject is either automatically created for outbound interactions, or it’s created for inbound interactions based on the information collected from the customer before the interaction reaches the queue. Once the interaction is assigned and connected to a user, the user can modify this title to better describe the interaction.

Customer (E)

The Customer column displays the customer’s name. The name that populates here is either the contact information collected before the interaction reached the queue or it was updated while the interaction was in queue. Once the interaction is assigned and connected to a user, this information can be modified.

Queue (F)

The Queue column displays the queue that’s hosting the interaction.

Route (G)

The Route column displays the path an SMS or phone interaction took before reaching the queue. This field is static and can’t be modified. 

Note: For web chat and email interactions, this column defaults to not display a value unless you configure a workflow to gather data and update this area.

Tags (H)

The tags column displays any tags that were added to the interaction. This includes tags automatically or manually added to the interaction.

User (I)

The User column displays who is responsible for managing the interaction. If the interaction is transferred or a manager barges into an interaction, then this column changes in real time to display the name of the newly assigned user that’s responsible for managing the interaction. If this column is blank, then the interaction has become unassigned, meaning there isn’t a user currently responsible for managing it.

Status (J)

The Status column displays the current state of the interaction. If the interaction’s status changes, then this column displays the updated status in real time.

Age (K)

The Age column displays how long the interaction has been in the queue. It starts counting when the interaction is created in the queue and continues through every status. This column shows how long ago the interaction was created in the queue.


The AID column displays whether the interaction has automatic interaction distribution (AID) enabled or not. AID is out proprietary method for automatically selecting and delivering an interaction to the next, best available queue user.

Note: In any status other than ‘Open’, AID will be blank.

Action (M)

The Action column displays the in-line View menu for each interaction. This menu is where you can decide to privately view, publicly view or claim an interaction upon opening it. The menu options that can be available in this menu include: private view, public view, or claim the interaction.

Note: You may not have access to all of these options. See Overview: User Home list settings in Queue (Console).