Table: Interaction Segments (App)

App > Analytics > Table: Interaction Segments (App)

This article contains column documentation for the Interactions Segments table in the Analytics workspace in App

The Interaction Segments table is for viewing information about a specific portion of a specific interaction. To view information about multiple interactions at once, use the Interactions / Interaction Details table.

In this article


The Interaction Segments table contains information related to individual “segments” of an interaction. 

An interaction segment is a portion of an interaction. The system automatically divides interactions into segments. Each segment represents a stage of the interaction’s life, starting from the moment the interaction is created in the queue to when it’s completed 

For example, when a user answers, transfers, or wraps-up an interaction, the system creates a new interaction segment to record information specific to that stage of the interaction’s life.

The Interaction Segments table includes much of the same information to be found in the Interactions / Interaction Details table, but this table is narrowed down to provide you more information about a specific segment of an interaction.

Note: The Interaction Segments table is for viewing information about a specific interaction. To view information about multiple interactions, use the Interactions / Interactions Details table.

Data sources using this table

This table is included in the following data sources. Click any of the links below to learn more about the data source, including its purpose and any other associated tables. 

Column descriptions

This section alphabetically lists and describes each of the columns in the Interaction Segments table.

Communication Type

Contains the communication type of the interaction for the segment of the interaction.

Communication types include:

Completion Display

Contains the message for how the interaction was completed. 

This completion message is displayed as a pop-up modal for the queue user once the interaction is completed. Also, depending on the completion message, it might also be posted to the interaction’s feed tab.

Note: This value is the completion message for the whole interaction. This value will be blank until the interaction is completed. Then, this value will be populated in each of the segment records associated with the interaction.

Examples include:

Completion Value

Contains the person who completed the interaction. 

Note: This value is the completion value for the whole interaction. This value is blank on an interaction’s segment records until the interaction is completed. When the interaction is completed, the interaction’s completion value populates in this column.

The values you will see here include:

Created At

Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction segment record was created.

Created By

Contains the user who was handling the interaction when the interaction segment record was created.

End Time

Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction segment ended.


Contains the status or action change that triggered the creation of the interaction segment.

Event Description

Contains the specific name of the status or action that triggered the creation of the interaction segment. 

Hold Time

Contains the amount of time (in seconds) the interaction segment was on hold. This field populates if the segment had a status of “hold”.


Contains the unique identifier of the interaction segment record.

Interaction Id

Contains the unique identifier for the interaction associated with the interaction’s segment record.

Last Updated At

Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction segments record was last modified

Last Updated By

Contains the user who last modified the interaction segment.

Segment Number

Contains the number order of the segment. This number tracks what order the segment occurred in the interaction. 

The first segment’s number is 1, the second segment’s number is 2, and so on.

Segment End API Request Id

Contains the identifier of the API request that ended the segment (if the segment was ended by an API request). If an API request didn’t end the segment, this field will be blank.

Segment Start API Request Id

Contains the identifier of the API request that triggered the creation of the segment (if the segment was created by an API request). If an API request didn’t start the segment, this field will be blank.


Contains the interaction’s status during this interaction segment. 

Sub Communication Type

Contains the sub communication type of the interaction segment. 

Sub communication types include: 

Time Interacting

Contains the amount of time (in seconds) spent interacting between the queue user and the customer during this segment of the interaction. This field populates if the segment had a status of “connected”.

Transfer Location

Contains the identifier for the destination of the interaction for when it was transferred.

Values this field could include are:

Transfer Location Interaction Id

Contains the identifier of the newly created interaction that was created as a result of the interaction being transferred to the Transfer Location.

When transferring an interaction, a new interaction is created in the destination transfer location. This field shows the identifier of the newly created interaction record.

Transfer Location Queue Id

Contains the identifier of the queue containing the newly created interaction once it was created as a result of the transfer.

When transferring an interaction to a different queue, a new interaction is created in the new queue, which is a destination transfer location. This field shows the identifier of that new queue hosting the newly created interaction.

Transfer Result

Contains the result of the transfer. This value shows the result of the last transfer made on the whole interaction. 

The values you will see here include:

User Id

Contains the unique identifier of the queue user associated with the interaction’s segment.

Wait Time, Segments

Contains the amount of time (in seconds) the customer waited in a particular status. This field populates if the segment had any of the following statuses:

Wrap Up Time

Contains the amount of time (in seconds) it took the queue user to complete the wrap up process. This field populates if the segment had a status of “wrapUp”.