Table: Interaction User Silence Segments (App)

App > Analytics > Table: Interaction User Silence Segments (App)

This article contains column documentation for the Interaction User Silence Segments table in the Analytics workspace in App


An interaction user silence segment is a period of silence during a phone call on an interaction where the queue user and the customer are not speaking.

The Interaction User Silence Segments table contains data related to all of the periods of silence on interactions made on your account. This data includes:

Keep in mind that this table only keeps track of the silence segments for the queue user who owns the interaction. So, this table won’t show silence segments of a queue manager or queue supervisor who’s joined the interaction as a third party to monitor or speak with the customer alongside the queue user as a way to help resolve the customer’s issues.

Also, keep in mind that this table only tracks silence when both parties are connected to each other on an active phone call during the interaction. This means that it  won’t track periods of silence while the phone call is placed on  hold by the queue user, for example.

Data sources using this table

The interaction user silence segment table is included in the following data sources. Click any of the links below to learn more about the data source, including its purpose and any other associated tables. 

Column descriptions

This section alphabetically lists and describes each of the columns in the Interaction User Silence Segments table.

Account Id

Contains the unique identifier of the account associated with the interaction user silence segment.


Contains the amount of time (in seconds) for how long the interaction user silence segment lasted. 

For example, if an interaction user silence segment starts 30 seconds into a call and ends 90 seconds into a call, then the Duration value would be “60” (the difference of End and Start).


Contains the amount of time (in seconds) into the phone call where the interaction user silence segment ended.

For example, if an interaction user silence segment starts 30 seconds into a call and ends 90 seconds into a call, then the End value would be “90”.


Contains the unique identifier of the interaction user silence segment.


Contains the recorded creation date and time of the interaction that experienced the user silence segment.


Contains the unique identifier of the interaction that had the user silence segment.


Contains the unique identifier of the interaction segment that had the user silence segment.


Contains the unique identifier of the call recording associated for the interaction that’s available in storage (if recording was enabled for the queue hosting the interaction, then you’ll see a value displayed here). 

If recording was disabled, then this field is blank.


Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction user silence segment was created.


Contains the amount of time (in seconds) into the phone call where the interaction user silence segment began.

For example, if an interaction user silence segment starts 30 seconds into a call and ends 90 seconds into a call, then t5he Start value would be “30”


Contains the unique identifier of the queue user who is associated with the interaction user silence segment.