gREENVILLE physical education

Mr. Kevin Youngs ext. 2255-

Ms. Katie O'Neill ext. 2224-

Check us out on Twitter- @GreenvillePE

The primary physical education program is taught through a movement-based approach that incorporates physical fitness and health. Through this movement approach the children learn by developmental experiences using basic motor movements such as walking, running, skipping, hopping and moving their bodies in space. These gross motor movements develop the large muscles and allow the children to explore and learn through their own actions as well as others around them.

Using many different activities the lessons focus on developing and strengthening listening skills, focus, perceptual motor development, social growth, development of the thinking process and of course physical fitness- the preparation of the body to participate fully in life.

Throughout the year the lessons are based on development of skills the children have already acquired as well as new skills. These skills are included in activities that allow each individual to develop their skills to meet their own needs. The activities are always presented in a non-threatening atmosphere without elimination to allow them to modify or create challenges for themselves.

The activities the students participate in are developing basic gross motor movement and such skills like catching, throwing and kicking. These skills are then presented in games to allow the skill to be demonstrated with proficiency. Major units such as soccer, football, basketball, hockey, tumbling, and volleyball are taught and presented so the younger students can grasp skills but not participate in a competitive atmosphere that would discourage them. We have a saying in the lower grades, “ if you had fun you won!” This program really tries to develop skills needed to be healthy active life learners and to build confidence and allow students to take challenges and feel the positive affects of an active lifestyle.

Physical Education is an integral part of every learners well-rounded education, this program allows student- learners to learn in a multitude of ways. It allows students to develop strengths as well as improve and strengthen areas they aren't as strong.

Physical Literacy

In 2014, SHAPE America released the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. One of the key changes to this third iteration of the national standards was the incorporation of the term physical literacy, in the goal of physical education, along with the following definition (Mandigo, Francis, Lodewyk & Lopez, 2012):

Physical literacy is the ability to move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person. To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual:

  • Has learned the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities.

  • Knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in various types of physical activities.

  • Participates regularly in physical activity.

  • Is physically fit.

  • Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle.