February 10th Early Release Day


  • Understand the roadmap for Work Skills Competencies in RSD

  • Calibrate student expectations and embed Self-Direction into instruction and feedback

  • Collaborate to share best practices for Self-Direction across the district

  • Deepen knowledge of Collaboration in RSD

RSD 2:10 Overview.mp4

introduction + kickoff!

Start here by watching this overview video.

Additional Resources: February 10 Agenda + CIA site + January 29th WSC Resources

5 Minute Health and Wellness Check-In

5 minutes

Click here for a quick Health and Wellness check-in.

Additional Resources: RSD Wellness Site

calibration protocol + self-direction

45 minutes [or longer, if needed]

K-2 Rubric 3-5 Rubric MS Rubric HS Rubric

Student Work Samples + Resources

Watch this overview video on the calibration protocol.

  1. Follow this link to the protocol to make a copy for yourself (or your team). Decide on which student work samples you want to use--the ones provided and/or from your own classrooms.

  2. Using the rubric + work samples, discuss the following questions. Take notes in your copy of the protocol.

    • How would I score this piece of work? Share your score with the team. If there are differences in scoring, be prepared to share evidence in the next step.

    • Discuss: What evidence do you have to support this?

    • What would your next steps be in instruction for this?

    • If there’s extra time, share a sample from your own practice for feedback.

Planning forward

75 minutes [or longer, if needed]

  1. Choose an upcoming unit, lesson plan, or task. You can work independently or collaboratively with your team.

  2. On the CIA site:

    • Review the Self-Direction rubric to identify an area to focus on.

    • Explore Collaboration rubric and resources to implement in your instruction.

  3. Add your reflections to this flipgrid or slide deck to share across the district.

  4. Learning from Each Other: Check out what colleagues said on the January 29th Jamboard!

  5. Continue to explore resources on the CIA site or that your peers provide.

Closing + Reflection

30 minutes [or longer, if needed]

  • Take the closing survey linked here.

  • Be prepared to share out additional questions, and how you will implement these strategies or learning into your practice with your team.