
PL Core 4 White Paper Final.pdf
Core Four Look Fors Guide.pdf
Next 30 Days of PL.pdf

The Core Four of Personalized Learning

Want to know everything about Personalized Learning and the Core Four? Start here!

Core Four Look Fors Guide

Read this document to learn more about the Core Four Continuum and Look Fors in the classroom

Next 30 Days of PL

Planning for Implementation? Use this guide.

Long Lake CSD Playlist on Playlists
[Long Lake CSD] Playlist template - MAKE A COPY
Personalized Learning + Danielson Framework for Teaching

Playlist on Playlists

Want to know what a playlist is? What to learn how to build a playlist? 

Learn how here!

Playlist-Building & Choice Board Templates 

Helpful tools for building your own flexible playlists and choice boards! 

Personalized Learning + Danielson Crosswalk Tool 

The Danielson Framework for Teaching is the way that we currently support teacher development. The Core Four of Personalized Learning is the vehicle to bring those domains to life. The result is a unified district vision for teacher support with aligned strategies and resources.  

What is Personalized Learning? 

A brief overview of the components of Personalized Learning and what it looks like in classroom. 

Learn from the Experts

Check out our blog for interesting ideas, examples, and thoughtful reflections on Personalized Learning.

See Janice's (one of our wonderful Associate Partners) thoughts here -------------->