FL-ALAS Virtual Conference: May 20, 2021

4:30 - 7:30 PM EST

¡ADELANTE! Empowering ALL - Promoting Equity for ALL

4:30 PM EST: Opening Session

Zoom Link + Passcode: https://edelements.zoom.us/j/95015370538?pwd=cUNHdWw5OUZVMW93YTIrdlhDTk5PQT09 + 579198

Welcome | Christian Meza

Opening Remarks | FL-ALAS Executive Board of Directors

ALAS: Down Memory Lane | Dr. Maria Armstrong, Dr. Carmella Franco, Dr. Hector Montenegro

FL-ALAS Journey | Angel Gomez & Dr. Washington Collado

Keynote Speakers | Dr. Washington Collado & Dr. Alex Marrero

Spotlight Speaker | Norma V. Cantú, facilitated by Patricia Trejo & ThoughtExchange

6:25 PM EST: Breakout Sessions

1) Diversity Equity and Inclusion and Acceptance...It's Everyone's Business:

Juan Garcia

Zoom Link + Passcode: https://edelements.zoom.us/j/99507559884?pwd=QVRnbjU0ci9pOEVvYmdzM0dKZW5vdz09 + ALAS

2) Practical Resources, Current Latino Higher Education data, and Real Conversation about effective practices to serve Latino student success trajectory in education:

Dr. Nancy Lewin

3) Mobilizing our community through the Native Language Assessment Campaign:

Johanna Lopez

Zoom Link + Passcode: https://edelements.zoom.us/j/94693864414?pwd=RE9VTkNjRktxd0ZTZ01iblJLUGozUT09 + ALAS

4) Staying Ahead of the Communication Curve: Interacting with Your Community and Telling Your Story:

Dr. Patricia Ordóñez-Feliciano & Dr. David Samore

Zoom Link + Passcode: https://edelements.zoom.us/j/92564895061?pwd=YmpWdm1EY1JHdjRsTlNQYWRxQ3JuZz09 + ALAS

5) Principals For Justice:

Dr. Enrique Vela

Zoom Link + Passcode: https://edelements.zoom.us/j/98218597841?pwd=a1BjVFRGOGxRQ0o4SlgxeDlVVGJuUT09 + ALAS

6:55 PM EST: Panel Discussion

Zoom Link + Passcode: https://edelements.zoom.us/j/95015370538?pwd=cUNHdWw5OUZVMW93YTIrdlhDTk5PQT09 + 579198

Moderator | Richard Carranza

Panelists | Dr. Jose Leyba, Zandra Jo Galvan, Dr. Robert Avossa, Dr. LaTonya Goffney

Closing Remarks

FL-ALAS Executive Board of Directors