National Kickoff Convening


On October 19-21, 2020, the Education Design Lab convened the six community colleges and systems participating in the Community College Growth Engine Fund (CCGEF) a National Design Session to formally kick-off the initiative.

This convening of the cohort, which includes: Austin Community College, The City University of New York, Ivy Tech Community College, Pima Community College, Prince George’s Community College, and Seattle College. We were joined by leaders from the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland and Philadelphia, The Education Trust, the McChrystal Group and more.

The convening provided institutional teams the opportunity to hear from experts on underserved learners, innovation in higher education, and change management. In addition, teams learned about the human-centered design process, design criteria for the micro-pathways, and the arc of engagement.

During this convening, institutional teams were guided through a structured process that will build their understanding of the arc of the engagement and set teams up to identify and prioritize actions for the year.

Convening Outcomes

Through the National Convening, participants will:

  • Deepen understanding of micro-pathways landscape

  • Increase awareness of new models of micro-pathways and trends in higher education

  • Identify and prioritize required actions for success

  • Establish relationships to form a community of practice

The Cohort

Austin Community College, Austin, TX

Austin Community College is a nationally recognized two-year college that serves over 53,000 credit and non-credit learners in Central Texas as the primary gateway to higher education and technical training. ACC will advance meaningful change at ACC by investing resources in creating a seamless flow for students from continuing education and adult education programs into credit certificates, with the help of the Fund.

The City University of New York, NY

The City University of New York is the nation’s largest urban public university, a transformative engine of social mobility that is a critical component of the lifeblood of New York City. With support from the Fund, six CUNY campuses (LaGuardia Community College, Kingsborough Community College, Bronx Community College, Queensborough Community College, Guttman Community College, Borough of Manhattan Community College) will build collaborations between faculty and employers which focus on student growth and skill building at scale.

  • Colleges participating from CUNY: Borough of Manhattan CC, Bronx CC, Guttman CC, Kingsborough CC, LaGuardia CC, and Queensborough CC

Ivy Tech Community College, IN

Ivy Tech Community College serves communities across Indiana, providing world-class education and driving economic transformation. It is the state’s largest public postsecondary institution and the nation’s largest singly accredited statewide community college system, accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. It serves as the state’s engine of workforce development, offering high-value degree programs and training that are aligned with the needs of its communities, along with courses and programs that transfer to other colleges and universities in Indiana.

Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ

Pima Community College is a comprehensive two-year institution serving students and employers throughout Pima County in Arizona and beyond. With support from the Fund, Pima Community College seeks to further develop competency based micro-credentials in three key program areas, Automated Industrial Technology, Building and Construction Trades, and Cyber Security.

Prince George's Community College, Largo, MD

Prince George’s Community College serves nearly 35,000 students from more than 100 nations around the world. The College seeks to refine, expand, and advance the current pathways model with the help of the Fund to provide students an opportunity to earn industry certificates, digital badges, and other credentials that will benefit employers, underemployed staff, and incumbent workers.

Seattle Colleges, Seattle, WA

Seattle Colleges is a multi-college district that serves Seattle and its surrounding communities at three comprehensive college campuses and five specialty training centers. With support from the Fund, Seattle Colleges will build short, skills-based pathways that are available for adoption by colleges and universities in the region. This sets the stage for a regional training ecosystem where students can move seamlessly between educational opportunities and attain true upward mobility.


9/29 - Please note changes on Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020

Join us as we formally kick off the Community College Growth Engine Fund National Convening.

12:00-12:45 pm ET Opening Welcome

Join Lab Founder and President, Kathleen deLaski, the CEO of the League of Innovation in the Community College, Rufus Glasper, and Fund lead Chike Aguh for an "All Eyes Are On Us" framing of the work ahead.

12:45-1:45 pm ET Federal Reserve Bank Data Session

The Lab welcomes the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia to share the latest labor market data on the impact of COVID-19. They will also discuss their research on “opportunity occupations,” occupations accessible to those with less than a bachelor’s degree that pay higher than the median wage. These skill-based occupational transitions rely on regional dynamic labor market information to determine employer-demanded skills. Many workers who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 can look to community colleges to help them build the skills they need to make the transition to opportunity occupations.

1:45-2:30 pm ET Our Vision for the Future - Learner-Centric Design; The Design Brief Working Session

What does the Lab mean by “Learner-Centric Design” and how will this be used to guide the work of the CCGEF? During this session led by the Lab, colleges will learn what makes human-centered design different from other education design approaches and hear success stories from some of the Lab’s previous learner-centric design challenges.

2:30-3:00 pm ET Break

3:00-3:30 pm ET Defining Micro-Pathways: The What and the Why?

The Lab believes micro-pathways can provide underserved learners a path to economic mobility by earning credentials that are in-demand and validated by regional employers and offer meaningful, salary-bumping milestones. The Lab will reveal the CCGEF micro-pathways design criteria and facilitate an interactive dialogue with community college teams around the assets each college brings to the design challenge.

3:30-4:30 pm ET Keynote: Wes Moore, CEO, Robin Hood Foundation

Robin Hood Foundation’s mission is to lift New Yorkers out of poverty. They find, fuel, and create the most impactful and scalable solutions, reducing barriers for half a million New Yorkers each year. Wes Moore will discuss how the intersection of community colleges and economic development plays a critical role in fighting poverty in local communities.

4:30-5:00 pm ET Day 1 Wrap Up

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A deep dive into intentional design and aligning with industry partners.

12:00-12:30 pm ET Day 2 Design Team Kick Off

12:30-1:30 pm ET Keynote: Linda Head, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Lone Star College

Linda Head has spent her community college career developing a highly trained workforce through optimizing the relationship between the community college and local employers. At LSC, this ensures the college delivers the credentials that prepare citizens in the Houston area for career pathways from entry-level to leadership roles in healthcare, emergency services, oil and gas, manufacturing, IT and others. Linda will share her keys to success.

1:30-2:15 pm ET Our Value Proposition with Don Fraser, Chief Program Officer, Education Design Lab

After years of research and on-the-ground work with academia, students, employers, assessment providers, and technologists, the Lab designed eight 21st century skills micro-credentials that transform the way learners recognize, activate, and display in-demand skills.

2:15-3:00 pm ET Break

3:00-4:15 pm ET Deep Dive: Industry Roundtables

We will offer multiple Roundtable options per session block. Each roundtable will be based on a theme with smaller facilitated discussions. Select the room for the theme and topic of your interest and join. The success of the session is reliant on attendee discussion and interaction. Roundtable sessions will have a limited number of participants.

  • Industry Roundtable 1: Advanced Manufacturing and Information Technology

  • Industry Roundtable 2: Allied Health/Community Health

  • Industry Roundtable 3: Digital Skills, Business, Entrepreneurship

4:30-5:00 pm ET Revisiting Design Brief - Design Workshop with Education Design Lab

During this breakout session, team members will spend time to revisit their design brief and work on a concept pitch to share out with the cohort during the symposium.

5:00-5:15 pm ET Day 2 Wrap Up

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Positioning your team for the road ahead...

11:00 am-12:00 pm ET Keynote: John B. King Jr., President + CEO, The Education Trust

John King, President and CEO of The Education Trust joins us to discuss the work of his national nonprofit that seeks to close opportunity gaps that disproportionately affect students of color and students from low-income families. Through research and advocacy, Education Trust supports efforts that expand excellence and equity in education, increase college access and completion particularly for historically underserved students, engage diverse communities dedicated to education equity, and increase political and public will to act on equity issues.

12:00-1:15 pm ET Pre-mortem Symposium Part 1

Each team will share their concept or approach for the CCGEF. Upon completion of the presentations, participants will be given some time to discuss ideas, situations, and opportunities they have encountered.

1:15-1:30 pm ET Break

1:30-2:30 pm ET Symposium Part 2

2:30-3:30 pm ET Change Management with Chris Fussell, President, McChrystal Group

Chris Fussell is president of the McChrystal Group, whose focus is to help organizations tap into the potential of their people to better compete in a complex and interconnected business environment. Chris will share his insights into how breaking out of silos and communicating across the organization are keys to implementing effective change management.

2:30-3:00 pm ET Closing: Next Steps + Evaluation

*Preliminary program subject to modifications. Last updated: September 23, 2020

Keynote Speakers

Don Fraser

Chief Program Officer + Head of Micro-credentials, Education Design Lab

Chris Fussell

President, McChrystal Group

Linda Head

Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Lone Star College

John B. King Jr.

President + CEO, The Education Trust

Wes Moore

CEO, Robin Hood Foundation

Education Design Lab Team

Chike Aguh | Head of Economic Mobility Micro-pathways

Ana Hageage | Education Designer, CCGEF Deputy Lead

Valerie Taylor | CCGEF Innovation Coach

Binh Thuy Do | Sr. Education Designer

Elisabeth Fellowes | Associate Education Designer

Our Advisory Council + Trust (ACT)

  • Jake Hirsch-Allen, LinkedIn Learning North America

  • Eli Weisman, Talespin

  • Rachel Hirsch, National Governors Association

  • Melanie Bowen

  • Robert Ruffin, Education Trust

  • Edward Leach, NISOD

  • Karen Elzey, Workcred

  • Linda Head, Lone Star College

  • Riley Jones, Join the Bloc

  • Brent Weil, Argentum

  • Desy Osunsade, Imaginable Futures

Reference Documents

Session Documents

  • Session Deck: Link

  • Micro-pathways, Macro-impact: Link

  • Labor Market Information Guide: Link

  • Guide to Embedding Industry Certifications: Link

Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland and Philadelphia:

Linda Head, Lone Star College

Industry Roundtables

  • Advanced Manufacturing with Gardner Carrick, Manufacturing Institute (Deck)

  • Allied Health + Community Health with Jaime Nguyen, Penn Foster (Deck)

  • Information Technology with Tim Herbert, Comptia (Deck)

Links + Other Resources Shared

About Education Design Lab

Education Design Lab is a national nonprofit that designs, tests, and implements unique higher education models and credentials that address the rapidly changing economy and emerging technology opportunities. The Lab demonstrates where technology, rigor and design can improve opportunity for historically underserved learners to maximize their potential in the higher education system.

Education Design Lab works across disciplines and alongside schools, employers, entrepreneurs, government, foundations, nonprofits and innovators. The organization has significant experience managing national and local learning cohorts, working with organizations such as Lumina Foundation, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), Walmart, American Council on Education and the ECMC Foundation. Learn more: