
To prepare your community for the long-term work of dismantling systems of oppression within your institution, IDEAS can craft a series of entry-level workshops for your group on a variety of topics, including the following:

  • Aspects of Identity: Implications for Practice

  • Systems of Advantage and Disadvantage

  • Implicit Bias and Microaggressions

  • That Awkward Moment- How to Respond to Microaggressions

  • How to Talk about Race and Racism (and other "isms") with Colleagues, Students and Parents/Guardians

  • Modern Forms of Racism and How They Play Out in our Schools- How to break the Cycle

  • Equity and Equality- What's the Difference?

  • What is Cultural Competence?

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching

  • Transforming Curriculum

  • The N-word

  • How to Deal with Difficult Literature

  • Workshops on Race/Racism tailored to School Committees, Business Office Staff, Cafeteria staff, Paraprofessionals, Custodians, Parents

We can also typically offer workshops featured in our Annual Conference. Check the Conference Archive page for more information.