Keep Your Distance

Staying safe around others

  • Physical distancing between children and young people is not always possible, particularly in single classrooms and school environments. However, it is important for limiting the transmission of COVID 19.

  • Students are encouraged to physically distance from each other and from staff where possible.

  • To limit unnecessary interactions, MSHS have made changes to our timetable (see Timetable page) and other measures to promote distancing and limit mixing of cohorts of students inside the building (see People Movement page) and on the playground (see Playground page).

  • Cancelling extra-curricular activities that bring together students from multiple year groups or will involve large gatherings particularly if indoors (e.g. whole school assemblies).

  • All adults on our school site must maintain physical distancing between themselves and other adults. Density quotients of one person per two square metres apply in non-student areas (e.g. staffrooms, meeting rooms, offices).