ACT Senior Secondary Certificate

The BSSS is responsible for the Senior Secondary Certification of ACT students.

ACT senior secondary system encourages a breadth of study to develop skills knowledge and understanding for further study, work and citizenship.

  • Students complete a minimum of 17 standard units

  • 1 standard unit is achieved for every 55 hours of study for a unit passed

The Tertiary Entrance Statement (TER) is an additional qualification offered to students who wish to receive an ATAR. The additional requirements for a TER are as follows:

  • complete a minimum of 20 standard units during their senior secondary studies

  • complete at least four majors and one minor, or three majors and three minors from A, T, M, H, C or E courses

  • complete at least three majors and one minor classified T or H (see classifications below)

  • sit all components of the ACT Scaling Test (there will be more information on this in Workshop 2)

Course Classifications: A, T, M, H, C, VET

A classification is given to courses that have been deemed by the Board to be educationally sound and appropriate for students in years 11 and 12.

T classification is given to an accredited year 11 and 12 course that is considered by the Board to prepare students for higher education.

M classification is given to an accredited course which is considered by the Board to provide appropriate educational experiences for students who satisfy specific intellectual disability criteria.

H classification is given to a year 11 and 12 course which is designed and accredited by the BSSS and an Australian university and where successful completion of the course will be recognised towards an undergraduate degree with that university

C classification is given to a Board accredited vocational education and training program that is appropriate for students in Year 11 and 12. It is delivered and assessed by a Registered Training Organisation (RTOs) that has been approved by the BSSS and registered by the national VET regulator ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) This type of course will be concluding at the end of 2023.

VET - A vocational program delivers training in workplace specific skills and knowledge which can lead to a vocational Certificate or Statement of Attainment as defined by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). The content of the vocational program is based on the competencies defined in the relevant industry developed Training Package and follows the requirements of the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF). Vocational programs accredited by the Board may be classified as A, T, M, E or C.

E classification refers to competency-only VET programs undertaken by students that are not integrated with BSSS accredited courses (Including Asutralian School-based Apprenticeships). VET programs may either be full qualifications or approved competencies.

Further information on M courses:

M courses are available for students who require adjustments to curriculum due to a mild to moderate learning disability. Students studying an M course not only have modified curriculum but modified Achievement Standards as well allow them to demonstrate understanding across grades A to E. Evidence is required to support the enrolment of a student in an M course; this is usually a diagnosis from a relevant professional. The decision to enrol a student in an M course should be made in consultation with school executive and consultation with the student, or where appropriate, their advocate.

Below is an example of how Visual Arts Unit 1 Creative Processes content descriptions are different for students studying at an A , T or M level.

Key features of the ACT Senior Secondary System:

  • Continuous school-based assessment, no subject-based external examinations

  • Provides over 250 courses (both discipline and interdisciplinary based ) for a variety of pathways including further education, work and life

  • Curriculum developed in partnership with ACT teachers

  • Teachers have flexibility to develop Programs of Learning and assessments to address the needs and interests of their students.

  • Teachers meet twice a year to review student portfolios of assessment

  • Semesterised system of individual units. Courses consist of 4 units plus a negotiated study unit

  • Grades are an absolute measure and quality assured by Moderation Day, appear on the Record of Achievement

  • Scores, in T courses, are a relative measure and are scaled using the AST and contribute to the ATAR

Your responsibilities to your students:

  • implement BSSS courses as accredited (i.e. at the appropriate A, T, M or V classification)

  • model and develop students' higher order thinking skills

  • develop and update Programs of Learning using BSSS accredited courses

  • develop quality assessment (using Quality Assessment Guidelines)

  • grade and mark student work comparably and validly using the Achievement Standards and course documents

  • actively engage in-school moderation processes

  • constructive participation in system-wide Moderation Days

The ACT Senior Secondary System relies on the links between Curriculum, Assessment, Moderation and Certification being enforced and clear to all staff.

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