ST. Thomas Aquinas


At St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School we strive for a community built on a fabric that nurtures and protects what we value most in students: their faith, their curiosity, their talents, their integrity, their humanity, and their dreams. Our Mission Statement embodies the life of St. Thomas Aquinas, our Catholic patron saint of education. We are a partnership where home, school, community, and church come together to nurture and teach our children to become caring, responsible, life-long learners. Included in our journey and school community is our parish, Holy Trinity

Growing in the PEACE of CHRIST
Faith, Wellness & Parent Enagement

STA School Prayer

We are blessed at St. Thomas Aquinas School to have an EXCEPTIONAL TEAM of individuals both internally, and externally at a Division/Parish level, who have been called to serve God and all our remarkable Evergreen Catholic School students, staff, and families. Please click on the buttons below to gather more information and insight into some of the wonderful ways in which life long learning learning, wellness, and parent engagement are being supported, enriched, and a celebrated.

School Communication

Consistent communication between home and school is an important component for student success. In addition to our weekly Principal messages and this monthly newletter, families can keep informed about events happening at school on our School Website, Twitter & Instagram.

PowerSchool, our new division assessement and reporting platform, is now readily available for parents and students to check on academic progress, access timetable information, attendance, fees, etc... Continue to *Watch our Weekly Principal Messages and School Website for more details!

Twitter: For anyone who uses this social media site, we encourage you to follow us @STA_ECSRD. Here you will be able to see pictures of school activities as well as other information and current events from both educational and faith perspectives. Our Athletics Department also has a Twitter and Instagram accounts: @STAthunder

School Calendar

School Assurance Goals