Hawks' Post

Welcome to The Hawks' Post - April Edition

The Hawks' Post is a monthly student run newspaper created by a team of ECS 5th graders.

The mission of The Hawks' Post is to educate, entertain, and encourage environmental awareness within the ECS community by providing well researched and well written articles. 

Check out the new advice column by the Dear Duo! 


By: Lidia Baumgartner and Ely Wilson

No more Uniforms! 

Breakfast for lunch everyday!


` Guess what ECS, no more uniform! There will still be a dress code (no hateful messages, no sandals e.t.c), so you can wear whatever you like! You, of course, still wear the uniform, but you don’t have to.  Everyone loves the idea of no uniform! All the students are thrilled. Eli Fortier stated, “Uniforms are so uncomfortable, but normal clothes are so comfortable.” Desmond Henry says “Why do the Middle School & High School not have to have uniforms but Intermediate & Primary do? Do they think we aren’t capable of wearing clothes?” Rufino Mello says, “Uniform is just so… uncomfortable and unstylish.”  No one wants uniforms!


Guess what, ECS, Breakfast for Lunch is an option all the time. I understand that some people don’t like Breakfast for Lunch, but it would be an option for everybody each day of the week.  For example, if the option for that day was chicken fajitas, then there would also be Breakfast for Lunch as an option, too.  Of course you can’t have both, unless you pay for them both.  James Short stated, “Breakfast for Lunch is delicious. I would pick it over any of the other options.” Stanley Caldwell stated, “ Breakfast for Lunch is SO amazing!  My favorite part is the SAUSAGE!” Mr. Hopper, a fifth grade teacher, stated, “ Breakfast for Lunch smells so good when I’m teaching the kids in the classroom.” We can’t wait to have breakfast for lunch all the time.


April Fools! This is false - we will still have a dress code but will have dress downs still on Fridays. April fools again! This is false but we will still have breakfast for lunch occasionally.