Work Study Program

Are you interested in the Work Study Program? This is an opportunity for you to get job skills working with a local business for a portion of the day. You earn valuable real life skills, plus 1-3 credits (pass/fail) and potentially an hourly wage.

Step 1- Take courses related to your CTE interest area (Ag, Business, Construction Tech and Health). Typical students take 2-4 classes at the high school level first.

Step 2- Talk with the counselor and CTE instructor about a work study. Must be a second semester junior or senior in high school to apply.

a) Please note you are not allowed to work for a family member or be self employed

b) Select a job from our list of approved business partnerships, or another job of your choosing with permission of the CTE instructor and administration. Jobs must be within a 30 mile radius.

Step 3- Fill out Off- Campus Work Application and turn in to the Counselor once you have acquired all signatures

Step 4- Fill out Off- Campus Work Agreement and get all necessary signatures.

Step 5- Arrange your schedule with the Counselor. Each credit must have 65 hours. You may take 1-3 credits.

Step 6- Review the Work Study Skills and Tasks with the CTE instructor prior to beginning work study. For grading purposes there is:

a) A summative project/presentation

b) An onsite employer evaluation

c) CTE instructor visit

d) A Work Study Reflection Journal Log, completed daily