DAY 1 - Worker Co-Ops
Saturday, March 16th: 10am-4pm
We will be hosting an Open Mic/Social after Day 1 of the convening at The Firehouse (126 Eastern Ave) in Worcester. Starting at 5pm! Please click here to sign up.
Click HERE to view the Agenda in English.
DAY 2 - Solidarity Economy
Sunday, March 17, 2019: 10am-4pm
Goals for the day
- Affirming a MA Solidarity Economy Network
- Getting to know each other, relationship and trust building
- Building common vision / seeing our organizations and initiatives as part of the same ecosystem
- Connecting up the SE: proposals, strategies and commitments
9:30-10:00 Coffee and Light refreshments
10:00-10:45 Welcome and Framing of the day
1) Welcome, Goals, Agenda review
2) What is the Solidarity Economy - towards a common framework - Emily Kawano, US Solidarity Economy Network & Wellspring Cooperative
The solidarity economy is pretty fuzzy and can seem like everything nice. While SE is very much a reflection of local realities and there’s lots of room for variations, it’s critical that we have a common understanding of the core definition, so that we don’t end up just reforming capitalism.
3) Triangulating Transformation: Resist and Build - Sarah Jimenez, Community Labor United & Elena Letona, Neighbor to Neighbor
SE primarily focuses on building practices that align with its value, but it’s critical for it to be strongly connected with social & grassroots movements that primarily focus on resistance. There are many social movements that the solidarity economy is (in some cases should be) connected to including labor, just transition, Movement for Black Lives, Fearless Cities, and so forth. This is a look at one MA example - Community Labor United’s 10-Year Agenda.
10:45-11:30 Solidarity Economy in MA - who are we, what are our regional realities?
Mapping the Room and the MA SE - Hendrix Berry, Ujima & Elvis Mendez, Neighbor to Neighbor
Who’s in the room and getting to know each other. Looking at the SE in this state. How does the landscape differ between our regions?
11:30-12:00 Intro to Strategy Rountables/World Cafe & Intros from the Working Groups
In preparation for the World Cafe in the afternoon, we’ll introduce the process, give the working groups a chance to huddle and then introduce their issue.
12:00-12:45 Lunch - this can also be a time for the working groups to continue their conversations
12:45-3:15 Strategy Roundtables/World Cafe
Working Group topics:
- Worker Co-ops
- Community Land Trusts & Housing
- SE Education -
- Mapping and Supply Chain
- Technology
- 10 Year Agenda & Movements / Labor
Report backs and next steps