mission 2 umag

Sadly, cancelled for 2020

Please check back here in the spring for details of the 2021 trip

What is it all about?

The mission trip to Umag is a journey of personal growth in faith, to develop your gifts and talents and to learn new strategies to share the Gospel, and also an opportunity to support the local church in Croatia in outreach, especially to young people. The mission trip is for anyone between the ages of 16 and 30 who believes in the Bible and wants to fulfil the great commission of Jesus Christ; sharing the Good News of the kingdom throughout the whole world. In addition, the trip is characterised by new friendships and great fun within the team. There is a lot of emphasis on relationships - to others and most importantly to God - and you will learn a lot about yourself too. The team will be made up of 20 to 30 people of different nationalities. The number of participants is limited - so please sign up quickly.

When and where:

The mission will take place from August 23rd to September 1st. The first two days are spent in Villach for teambuilding, training and preparation. Accommodation is with participants from Villach or in the local church.

Then we head to Umag, where we park the Teabus on the promenade between the old town and the hotels and holiday accommodation. There we proclaim the gospel using music, sketches and street sermons. We also offer free tea, coffee and snacks to passers-by as we engage them in conversation.

In addition, we also organise two beach volleyball tournaments that are already widely known and anticipated in the area. In Umag our accommodation is in the pastor's family home and in nearby holiday apartments.