Auxiliar de Conversación


Hello, and Welcome . My name is Murielle LeMaire, and I am an American working at CEIP JRJ, a primary school located in the barrio of Triana, in the city of Seville, Spain. I am an auxiliary English teacher, assisting in Social/Natural Science classes with the 1st through 6th grade classes, Monday-Thursdays.

Hola, y Bienvenidos! Soy Murielle LeMaire, una americana trabajando a colegio Juan Ramón Jiminéz, en Triana, Sevilla, Andalucia, España. Soy asistente de profesores en las clases de ciencias naturales y socicales, para los grados primaero hasta sexto, y trabajo durante la semana, los lunes hasta jueves.


Here I am linking the presentations which I have done for mainly the two 6th grade classes in Natural and Social (alternating bi or tri-weekly) Science classes, on topics following a book which has a corresponding English book going over the topics that the children are learning about. They touch upon biology, civics, and history.

This first presentation is from the CEIP I worked at last year, when we were talking about towns and their structure in the English classes I assisted in. It is an introduction to where I am from in the United States. Enjoy!

Natural Science:

Monera, Protoctista & Fungi
CLimate & Hydrology
Living Things and their Environments

The last two topics on human respiration and circulation include review presentations in a jeopardy game format to review vocabulary and concepts.

Respiration and Circulation
Circulation/Respiration Jeopardy
Nutrition & Digestion
The Nutrition Function Review Jeopardy

Social Science:

Spain 19 Century
Economic Activity

Christmas presentation given virtually in January of 2021.

Christmas in Florida!