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In addition to resources for the study of literature, Bloom's also includes full text literary classics. Ask your librarian or teacher for login credentials.

Featuring full-length biographies from Chelsea House, the leading publisher of biographies for the school and library market, Chelsea House Biographies Online presents the most important, influential, and interesting personalities in the United States and the world.  Ask your librarian or teacher for login credentials.

As a member of TexQuest, your school library has access to more than 230,000 EBSCO eBooks™ to support teaching and learning in grades K-12. In addition, students will find resources for test preparation, college and career preparation, skills development and more with EBSCO LearningExpress®.  Ask your librarian or teacher for login credentials.

Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research. Ask your librarian or teacher for login credentials.