Mrs. Morrow

Welcome to a new school year! We are going to have so much fun this year! Reading has been extremely important in my life from a very young age. It is something I'm passionate about. I remember my mom taking me to the public library once a week every summer when I was young. It was something I looked forward to every week. During some of the hardest time of my life, books were always there. They were a way to get lost in another world, another character, and someone else's story. They have taken me to new places, real and imaginary, and they have allowed me to go back in time or into the future. Reading can be a beautiful experience!

Over my years as a reading teacher, many students have expressed their frustration, a dislike, and even a hatred for reading. I personally feel that we have not given our students the time to truly find what they like to read. Many reading classrooms hand out the same text regardless of the students' interests and reading levels. It is my goal this year to help each of my students find something they like to read. In the beginning of the year, we will still work on certain texts together. However, by the middle of the year, it is my hope students are selecting texts for themselves. I truly believe each child can enjoy reading if they only find what it is they like to read!