Dual Credit

A program where students from 9th - 12th grade can earn both high school and college credit at the same time.  Students are able to gain a college degree at the same time as  attaining their credits for high school graduation. Dual credit students  could earn more than 40 hours of college credit by the time they graduate from high school. 

For any questions and/or concerns please email Angelica Moreno

angelica.moreno@ectorcountyisd.org or the students Corral Counselor.

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

 has established minimum TSIA 

scores for the TSIA placement assessment. 

The following scores will place students in college level courses:


-Math- 350

-Writing(essay) -5 or

- Writing (essay)- 4 and Writing (objective) 340

Dual Credit Testing Waivers and Exemptions

Below are TSIA waivers and exemptions in order to qualify for dual credit enrollment. A student will not need to take the College placement test of the TSI if they meet one of the following.

Exemption- SAT- Minimum score of 480 in Evidence Based Reading / Writing and a 530 in Math

Exemption - ACT- Minimum score of 23, with a 19 in math and/or english (exemption applies to that section)

Exemption - PSAT/NMSQT-Read/write-460 ;Math -510

Waiver for dual purposes- EOC English ll-Must score a Level 2 with a scale score of 4000 

Waiver for dual purposes- EOC Algebra l- Must score a level 2 with a scale score of 4000 and must have passed Algebra ll with a 70 or above.