Casey Alexander

6th Grade Math   ***   6th Grade GT/Honors Math

                                                                    6th Grade Math MCL

Contact Information

Please Contact me on School Status for Quickest Response


Telephone:  (432) 456-2962

Conference: 12:54 - 1:52 pm

Tutoring:  Tuesday & Thursday 4:20- 5:00 pm 

I became a teacher because your life is worth my time......  

Dear Students,

I am excited to start this year with you! We have a lot of hard work ahead of us, but we can do it!!  I want you to know a few things as we get this year started together.

We are a team and we will help each other learn this year.  Building math muscles isn't always easy, but it is worth it!

Mrs. Alexander

Dear Parents, 

If I have not already had the opportunity to meet you, I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Casey Alexander, and your child is enrolled in my 6th grade math or 6th grade math GT/Honors class this year.  I look forward to an exciting year with your child.  It is my goal to provide all students with an educationally rigorous and rewarding experience.  I have high expectations for my students and myself.  The goal of this class is to provide a learning environment where students can become confident in their ability to excel in math and continue on to higher level mathematics. As this year gets started, please contact me anytime you have questions or concerns.  I am here to work with you and your child to ensure they are successful this year!

C. Alexander

Grading Information

Extra Credit:

Educational Background