New Parents

Welcome to ECFS!

ECFS is a strong, vibrant, and intentional community because of the collective gifts of time, talent, and treasure bestowed by all. Everyone is asked to join in advancing the mission of our School by sharing their gifts and inspiring others to give. 

What is the Orange Fund?

The Orange Fund is our annual, community-wide fundraising drive that supports the pedagogy and programming that makes ECFS a leader in progressive education. 

We exceeded our Orange Fund goal last year, raising a total of $5.7 million and reaching 69% parent participation. 

Your donation impacts every aspect of the student experience. To read more about the impact of your donation, click HERE. 

Orange Fund by the Numbers

69% of New Families contributed to the Orange Fund in FY 24. 

100 New Families contributed, making up 5% of all Orange Fund donors. 

For more information, click HERE. 

Orange Fund Gift Categories

Founder               $50,000 and above

Leader                        $35,000–49,999

Benefactor                 $25,000–34,999

Ambassador              $15,000–24,999

Director                      $10,000–14,999

Patron                             $5,000–9,999

Pacesetter                      $2,500–4,999

1878 Club                       $1,878–2,499

Member                          $1,000–1,877

Donor                                  up to $999

Gifts of any amount are appreciated.

Leadership Giving

All contributions to the Orange Fund are greatly valued and help ECFS sustain its vibrant, world-class progressive education that your children are now experiencing, but Leadership level support is the critical foundation of our fundraising efforts. The majority of funds raised each year are from donors who make gifts of $10,000 or more In FY 24, Leadership giving accounted for 75% of overall gifts over $4.2 million. Additionally, the generosity of Leadership donors makes a distinct impact on ECFS's culture of philanthropy by motivating others to give both money and time and help build our purposeful community. If your family is able, we hope you will become a philanthropic leader with a gift of $10,000 or more this year. New families play an integral role in this demonstration of dedication last year, 16 new families gave at the Leadership level. 

To learn more about Leadership giving, please contact Stephanie Pilla, Associate Director of Leadership Giving & Strategic Engagements, at 

Loyal Oaks Society

When you support the Orange Fund for five or more consecutive years, you are inducted into the Loyal Oaks Society, a committed group of parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends. We are deeply grateful for these philanthropic leaders whose steadfast support serves as the foundation for ECFS's continued excellence. This year, 900 Loyal Oaks donors contributed $2,800,000 to the Orange Fund. Learn more about the Loyal Oaks Society HERE

Giving to the Orange Fund

Gifts to the Orange Fund can be made any time during the school's fiscal year, from July 1st - June 30th. 

Participation is encouraged on #GivingTuesday, December 3rd, 2024. #GivingTuesday is a global day of generosity. On #GivingTuesday, ECFS prioritizes raising money for Financial Aid. 

To see the various ways a gift can be made, click HERE

New Parent FAQ

What is an annual fund? Why do we need one?

An annual fund is an initiative that raises money for a school's yearly operating budget. As with all independent schools, tuition alone does not cover the full cost of educating each student at ECFS. The gap between tuition and operating expenses is approximately $7,000 per student. The remaining costs are made up of income from our institutional investment portfolio and unrestricted donations to our annual fund, The Orange Fund. 

Philanthropic support is an important part of every independent not-for-profit school’s business plan. Your gifts to the Orange Fund reduce the gap per student and help ECFS meet our annual operating budget. Achieving our Orange Fund goal is essential.

Why is my participation as a new parent important?

We hope that families will make ECFS a philanthropic priority, and that alumni will recognize the importance that ECFS made on their lives and donate to provide a similar opportunity for those who follow. Strong financial support of the Orange Fund demonstrates your commitment to the School and your belief in our students and their bright futures. Each and every gift is important. 

What if my family receives financial aid?

We ask every member of the ECFS community — current parents, grandparents, employees, parents of graduates, and alumni — to participate in the Orange Fund, including families who receive financial aid. Your contribution, at any level, strengthens our community and demonstrates your support of the ECFS mission and your investment in its future. 

Is my donation tax deductible? 

 Yes! ECFS is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization under the Federal Internal Revenue Code. Unlike tuition fees, all contributions to the Orange Fund are deductible pursuant to the prevailing tax laws. All donors will receive a letter noting their gift amount, the date of their gift, and a disclosure that no goods or services were provided. 

Are there other ways I can give back to the School?

Absolutely. If you are interested in volunteering with the Orange Fund, click here. 

If you are interested in getting involved with the P + T, please email

I still have more questions!

Read through a broader FAQ here, or email