The Guidance Department would like to recognize the good in our community in a more tangible way. No, this isn't about your GPA, your field accomplishments, your stage presence or your rigorous summer programs. (They are all wonderful achievements for which we are proud of you, so be sure to add them to your resume)...But what we are really looking for in this program is to celebrate the genuine and uncomplicated matter of simply being a good person. Opening doors for one another, picking up trash that isn't yours, helping someone that needs an extra hand, or offering a smile or kind word to someone... all of these "small things" matter. Unfortunately in the rigor and fast pace of our lives, these things are often overlooked. We want to change that! So, we are asking that you nominate your peers who, all too often, are the unsung hero's of our community. We ask that you nominate your peers throughout the year using the link below. So start taking notice in the good around you and be sure to submit those nominations!