Year 3 (August 2025 - May 2026) UPK applications are now open! 

Table of Contents

Updates: Direct Enrollment Transfers

So you want to transfer schools?

Questions to think about before you transfer your Universal Preschool funding:


Step 1:

Parents: Let your Current Provider (A) know that you will be leaving their center and coordinate an end date. Coordinate with New Provider (B) a start date for your kiddo.

Current Provider (A): Unenroll the child from your Universal Preschool Portal using the coordinated end date

Step 2:

Parents: After you see an Unenrolled status on your application, add your New Provider (B) to your application and list as #1 or #2.

New Provider (B): Check your Universal Preschool Portal for a new match, accept the child's application and let the family know they have been accepted.

Step 3:

Parents: After a provider accepts your application, you will receive an email notification or communication from New Provider (B) that you have a new match. Go into your Universal Preschool application and accept the match.

Step 4: 

New Provider (B): Complete enrollment in your Universal Preschool Portal using the start date of your new student.

Provider Updates

ECCLC, your Larimer LCO, holds monthly provider support sessions that are virtual via Zoom. You can register by clicking the links below! All dates are subject to change.

February 2025 Provider Meeting Updates

CDEC Office Hours 

Community Provider office hours have been scheduled as follows:

School District office hours have been scheduled as follows:

AU office hours have been scheduled as follows:

Family office hours have been scheduled for the following dates:

These office hours are for families looking to connect with CDEC on the application process. SImultaneous Spanish translation will be available. Please spread the word! We’ll be emailing providers with this information as well. Family Childcare Providers are welcome and included in the Community Provider office hours. We’ll be keeping in close contact with CFCCA on the need for FCCH-specific office hours.

Provider Rates & Payments

To support the start of the school year, CDEC will process one pre-payment for all children in an enrolled status and with a start date of August 1st - August 15th. Providers will receive this payment on August 15th. All remaining Universal Preschool payments for the 2024-25 school year will be processed in arrears for children in an enrolled status during the previous month. Providers will receive payments monthly on the 15th. Beginning in September, for example, payment will be based on a child’s enrolled status and a start date of August 16th - August 30th. A seat must be filled by the last day of the prior month to be included in the

upcoming payment. A child that transfers from one provider to another will receive payment with the new provider during the next scheduled monthly payment. Click here for more information. 

Families, if you have questions about payments made to your provider on your behalf, please email: 

2024-2025 Provider Handbook_ V1_Updated_030124

Provider Handbook 2024-2025

This handbook contains helpful information about eligibility, the enrollment process, and resources to market your program.

Provider Dates & Action Items

January 2025: 

Please review your matches daily.

How to Share UPK Information with your Families

(Name of your program) is excited to be able to participate in Colorado’s Universal Preschool Program. This program will cover up to 15 hours of preschool for all Colorado children who turn 4 by 10/1/25 (for the 2025-2026 school year).

How It Works

Families will apply to the UPK program starting in February or March each year (based on when they open the application portal). On your UPK application, you’ll indicate you currently attend _(school name)_ and put us down as your first choice. UPK will pay a set amount towards your child’s monthly tuition. For children in attendance who are attending more than 15 hours per week, this will show up as a credit, and parents will be responsible for the remaining tuition, up to our normal rates. Summer care is not covered by UPK (August-May only).

PLEASE DO NOT MARK DOWN _(school name)_ ON YOUR UPK APPLICATION UNLESS YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN A SPOT AT THE SCHOOL. We will help you either register or transfer your registration upon acceptance of an opening with us.

Learn more and apply on the UPK Website

Note: UPK will cover 100% of tuition for those enrolled in our M-W half-day and Th/F full-day programs. As we do incur a financial loss with this program, UPK spots for both those schedules are limited and granted to currently enrolled families first. 

Please reach out with any questions!

Quality Standards

As outlined in the rule (specifically at § 4.113), beginning July 1, 2024, the Family and Community Engagement quality standard will come into effect, requiring that within six (6) months of participating in the Preschool Program, providers must have and implement policies and procedures (on their website or handbook distributed to families) which ensure:

In the summer of 2024, providers participating in Universal Preschool will be asked to submit high-level information about their current instructional approach, as well as their current healthy development and family and community engagement policies and practices. This information will not be used to determine compliance. Rather, this process will help preschool providers better understand the standards well in advance of any monitoring, and will be critical to inform the Department on the development of responsive, relevant supports aligned to the implementation of the quality standards rules.

Colorado Universal Preschool Data

Family Dates & Action Items

Families can pre-register with a known provider to continue care for a child currently enrolled, with a sibling currently enrolled, or with a family member currently employed with a Universal Preschool Provider. Families can apply here or work directly with their preferred provider to apply.

Family-to-Provider Matching Rounds:

Families just starting their path to preschool can browse more than 2,000 high-quality, licensed providers, see if they qualify for additional hours, select their top ten preferred programs to be matched, and submit an application from December 17 through March 3.

Enrollment forms in the UPK Portal for 25-26 years are not available. Do not enroll children for 25-26 years yet.


The new school year is here. If you have already been matched with a Provider and accepted that match, congratulations, you are ready to go. We do recommend that you still reach out to your provider to ensure all enrollment forms have been completed. If you are a family still interested in getting a placement for the 2024-25 school year, good news we are still here to help. Families can still be placed through a Direct Enrollment option, working directly with providers to facilitate both a match and enrollment.

Starting August 1st applications will automatically be sent to providers listed as your first or second choice for a potential match. At that point, they will continue the enrollment process and accept the match for you. 

For families still seeking a match or who would like to transfer to a different UPK provider, please review the information below to proceed with a direct placement.

Direct Enrollment:

For families still seeking a match, please review the information below to move forward with a direct placement.

Transferring a Match:

Families, if you are currently in an ENROLLED status but want to transfer providers, your current provider must unenroll you first. Once unenrolled, you can add the new program you'd like to match with. Please be sure this new provider is listed #1 in your application. You must contact the new provider to let them know you've made this change and would like to match. The new provider will need to 'accept/decline' on their end, and then you must do the same on yours before you can be enrolled again and eligible for UPK payments. 

IEP Direct Enrollment:

Additional Hours:

If you are matched to a PART-TIME (10 hours) or HALF-DAY (15 hours) program, your options are listed below:


Families, if you have questions about payments made to your provider on your behalf, please email: 


Family Resources & Support

Additional Resources

ECCLC's Colorado Universal Preschool Team

Logan Mansanarez

Universal Preschool Manager

Melia Goto

Universal Preschool Associate

Tessa Currie

Communications Manager

Heather Blanco

Chief Program Officer
