

English Language Arts

In English Language Arts, the goal for our students is to be able to read and understand complex, grade-level texts and then express their understanding through writing and in conversation. At Riveroaks, comprehension and writing are infused in every subject so students are provided with as many opportunities as possible to practice. We follow the Louisiana Student Standards for English Language Arts, which states:


The Louisiana Student Standards for math were designed to ensure students are prepared for college or a career. 

The standards define what Louisiana students should know, understand, and be able to do mathematically and represent the steps students must take along the way to be able to meet this goal. 

For example, all students should be able to recall and use math skills and concepts on a daily basis. That is, a student should know certain math facts and concepts such as how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide basic numbers with ease, how to work with simple fractions and percentages, and how to apply basic algebra and geometry principles. 

Additionally, students need to be able to reason mathematically, communicate with others about math through speaking and writing, and problem solve in real-world situations to be prepared mathematically for post-secondary education or to pursue a career. 

Social Studies

Social Studies is now so much more than memorizing dates and events in history! Our students conduct research, make connections between events of the past and present, and participate in lively debates.

To be productive members of society, students must be critical consumers of information they read, hear, and observe and communicate effectively about their ideas. They need to gain knowledge from a wide array of sources and examine and evaluate that information to develop and express an informed opinion, using information gained from the sources and their background knowledge. Students must also make connections between what they learn about the past and the present to understand how and why events happen and people act in certain ways. To accomplish this, students must: 

1. Use sources regularly to learn content. 

2. Make connections among people, events, and ideas across time and place. 

3. Express informed opinions using evidence from sources and outside knowledge. 


In science, our students learn by doing. Hands-on learning opportunities are carefully designed to create an environment in which the students are scientists and engineers.

The Louisiana Student Standards for Science represent the knowledge and skills needed for students to successfully transition to post-secondary educations and the workplace. The standards call for students to: 

• Apply Content Knowledge 

• Investigate, Evaluate, and Reason Scientifically 

• Connect Ideas Across Disciplines 

Phenomena are observable events that occur in the universe and that we can use our science knowledge to explain or predict. A great deal of emphasis is placed on students learning to explain a phenomenon and support the explanation with research and knowledge gained through investigations.  


Our very talented art teacher combines her creativity and skills with the standards provided by Louisiana. Students are encouraged to think critically as they explore their own creativity in our new art room.

According to the standards:

The arts...are fundamental to the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of Louisiana students in the 21st century. The arts draw on a range of intelligence, aesthetics, and learning styles not addressed in most educational environments. 

Students of the arts are encouraged to use their imaginations, to develop personal discipline, and to find multiple solutions to problems. They learn to respond to events and experiences with confidence and to communicate their feelings and viewpoints through appropriate creative outlets. 

Business demands workers who possess an ability to communicate, to be flexible, and to diagnose problems and find creative solutions. The arts preceded speech as man's first language; they assisted in the development of the skills of communication and the integration of basic skills of reading, writing, science, and mathematics. These skills help students shape their lives, their communities, and their nation. The arts make all subjects come alive. 

Physical Education

Physical Education is more than an opportunity for students to get exercise. Students are challenged to use winning strategies as they learn to play by the rules and support everyone on the field. 

The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual: 

• Has learned the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities. 

• Knows the implications and the benefits of involvement in various types of physical activities.

• Participates regularly in physical activity. 

• Is physically fit. 

• Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle. 

While Louisiana State Physical Education Content Standards are unique to Louisiana, they are aligned with the current National Physical Education Standards developed by SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators) America.